Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie


Anne Corbett “Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie obituary” https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/nov/24/emmanuel-le-roy-ladurie-obituary


Born in Les Moutiers-en-Cinglais, Normandy, Emmanuel was the son of Léontine (nee Dauger) and Jacques Le Roy Ladurie, a farmer and agriculture minister in the second world war Vichy collaborationist government who then joined the French resistance. Emmanuel went from the local lycée in Caen to the grand Paris establishment Henri-IV, and then the École Normale Supérieure.

As future academics did at the time, he began as a teacher, in 1955 in Montpellier. In 1957 he obtained a research post in the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, and in 1960 became a junior lecturer at the University of Montpellier.

In 1963, he joined the École Pratique des Hautes Études. After the 1968 upheavals he had a post at what became the University Paris VII, progressing to a chair there in 1970. In 1973 he was elected to the chair of modern civilisation at the Collège de France, in succession to Braudel. He held this post until he retired, aged 70, in 1999. He served as administrator of the Bibliothèque Nationale (1987-94) and was also a member of the Institut de France’s Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, and contributed regularly to public debate.

He produced other microhistories in the later 70s and 80s, though none had quite the same impact as Montaillou. These were Le Carnaval de Romans (1980); Jasmin’s Witch, published in English in 1987 and The Beggar and the Professor (1997).

In later years he turned his attention to the top echelons, with The Royal French State 1460-1610 (1994), and The Ancien Régime: A History of France 1610-1774 (1996); continued to reflect on the historian’s function with L’Historien, le Chiffre et le Texte (1997); and published work on climate history including Les Fluctuations du Climat de l’An Mil à Aujourd’hui (2011). His final book, Brève Histoire de l’Ancien Régime, was published in 2017.


As such a prominent historian, he had his share of professional criticism. But what may have affected him more were press attacks related to his father. In 1945, aged 16, the son joined the French Communist party, remaining a member until 1956, leaving over the Soviet crushing of the Hungarian revolution. He became a member of the soft left PSU (Parti Socialiste Unifié), before also becoming disillusioned with the socialists. The issues of totalitarianism and liberty clearly haunted him. He analysed his political engagement in at least three publications.




See also

Christiano Btf “A Tribute to Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie: Pioneer in Climate Historyhttps://www.christianobtf.com/en/a-tribute-to-emmanuel-le-roy-ladurie-pioneer-in-climate-history/