
Via https://kojitaken.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/02/24/072519



Martin Thomas “What is "democratic centralism"?” https://www.workersliberty.org/story/2018-08-12/what-democratic-centralism

これはトロツキスト組織Alliance for Workers’ Libertyによる解説。冒頭で”In our view, "democratic centralism" means a democratic organisation cohesive enough it can act collectively, and promptly in crises, and with a continuously active rather than passive or only occasionally active membership”と定義されている。最後の、 トロツキーからの引用の部分を示しておく;

Trotsky wrote: "We must not forget that even if we are centralists, we are democratic centralists who employ centralism only for the revolutionary cause and not in the name of the ‘prestige’ of the officials. Whoever is acquainted with the history of the Bolshevik Party knows what a broad autonomy the local organizations always enjoyed; they issued their own papers, in which they openly and sharply, whenever they found it necessary, criticized the actions of the Central Committee.

"Had the Central Committee, in case of principled differences, attempted to disperse the local organizations or to deprive them of literature (their bread and water) before the party had an opportunity to express itself—such a central committee would have made itself impossible.

"Naturally, as soon as it became necessary, the Bolshevik Central Committee could give orders. But subordination to the committee was possible only because the absolute loyalty of the Central Committee toward every member of the party was well known, as well as the constant readiness of the leadership to hand over every serious dispute for consideration by the party.

"And, finally, what is most important, the Central Committee possessed extraordinary theoretical and political authority, gained gradually in the course of years, not by commands, not by beating down, but by correct leadership, proved by deeds in great events and struggles".

(Leon Trotsky, The Crisis in the German Left Opposition, February 1931, Writings, 1930-31, p. 155)



ところで、「民主集中制」はありふれた組織理念であるともいえる。古寺多見氏も「「批判の自由と行動の統一」という広い意味で捉えるなら、それは香西かつ介の言い分ではないけれども企業の商品開発の過程においても当てはまるまっとうな理念だ」と述べている。まあ、れいわ新選組のようにせめて「民主集中制」を採用しろよと言いたくなるような組織も昨今は目立っている。しかしながら、「民主集中制」を素朴に肯定してしまうことはできないだろう。その場合、組織に関する理論においては、ここ半世紀くらいの間、オートポイエシスにせよネットワーキング論にせよ、非ハイアラーキー的或いは脱中央集権的な組織像の模索が続けられてきたということを無視することになるのでは? とくにピノチェト反革命クーデタによってチリを逐われバレラ(Eg.『知恵の樹』)などにとって、それは実存的にも喫緊だった筈だ。


Ben Becker “Social media and democratic centralism: Opportunities and challenges” https://www.liberationschool.org/social-media-and-democratic-centralism-opportunities-and-challenges/