ヨーロッパは「政治的なプロジェクト」である(Guy Sorman)


MATTHEW KAMINSKI “Guy Sorman: Why Europe Will Rise Again” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444375104577592850332409044.html *1


But first he wants to recall where it's come from. "In the U.S. generally there is a kind of misunderstanding about the purpose of Europe," he says. "Europe was not built for economic reasons, but to bring peace between European countries. It is a political ambition. It is the only political project for our generation. We'll pay the price to save this project."
Guy Sorman氏は〈ケインジアン〉ではない;

In maintaining that the euro didn't cause the European crisis, Mr. Sorman echoes other conservative economists. Blame instead overextended welfare states that rang up huge debts, he says, and then the Keynesian stimulus spending after the 2008 global meltdown that added to the burden. Now, hard fiscal adjustments are finally being carried out across Europe. Deregulation in these troubled countries would be nice, too, he adds.

At the EU level, he has pushed loudly for a group of European "wise men," modeled after the EU's founding fathers of the postwar years, to draw up a revitalized "ever-closer union" originally envisioned by the 1957 Treaty of Rome, which created the common market. His new EU would move gradually but firmly toward a common European budget and tax base, and larger fiscal transfers from rich to poor areas.

These ideas were "taboo" before the crisis, he says, but are now openly debated. They remain taboo to jealous defenders of national sovereignty and to most European free-marketeers, not always one and the same group.