オーパーツは、それらが発見された場所や時代とはまったくそぐわないと考えられる物品を指す。英語の「out-of-place artifacts」を略して「OOPARTS」とした語で、つまり「場違いな工芸品」という意味である。米国の動物学者で超常現象研究家のアイヴァン・サンダーソンの造語で、同国の作家、レニ・ノーバーゲンの著書を通じて一般に広まった。サンダーソンは発掘品の類のみを指す言葉だとして、伝世品の類はオープス(OOPTH; out of place thingの略)と呼ぶことを提唱していた。ただし、ノーバーゲンは伝世品も併せてこう呼んでおり、現在では伝世品も区別せずにオーパーツと呼ぶことが多い。
An out-of-place artifact (OOPArt) is an artifact of historical, archaeological, or paleontological interest found in an unusual context, that challenges conventional historical chronology by being "too advanced" for the level of civilization that existed at the time, or showing "human presence" before humans were known to exist. Other examples suggest contact between different cultures that are hard to account for with conventional historical understanding.The term is used largely by cryptozoologists, proponents of ancient astronaut theories, young Earth creationists, and paranormal enthusiasts. It can describe a wide variety of objects, from anomalies studied by mainstream science and pseudoarchaeology far outside the mainstream to objects that have been shown to be hoaxes or to have mundane explanations.
Critics argue that most purported OOPArts which are not hoaxes are the result of mistaken interpretation, wishful thinking, or a mistaken belief that a particular culture could not have created an artifact or technology due to a lack of knowledge or materials. In some cases, the uncertainty results from inaccurate descriptions. For example: the Wolfsegg Iron was said to be a perfect cube, but in fact it is not; the Klerksdorp spheres were said to be perfect spheres, but they are not; and the Iron pillar of Delhi was said to be "rust proof", but it has some rust near its base.
Supporters regard OOPArts as evidence that mainstream science is overlooking huge areas of knowledge, either willfully or through ignorance.[1] Many writers or researchers who question conventional views of human history have used purported OOPArts in attempts to bolster their arguments. Creation science relies on allegedly anomalous finds in the archaeological record to challenge scientific chronologies and models of human evolution. Claimed OOPArts have been used to support religious descriptions of pre-history, ancient astronaut theories, and the notion of vanished civilizations that possessed knowledge or technology more advanced than that of modern times.
1980年に「 ソープランド」という施設は存在していなかった。
(神田敏晶「「イスラム国」は「トルコ風呂」と一緒!」http://bylines.news.yahoo.co.jp/kandatoshiaki/20150212-00042973/ *1)
上村由紀子「朝ドラ『なつぞら』20%超えだけど……広瀬すずらの圧倒的“令和感”ってどうですか? いやいや、昭和30年代にこの表現は使わないべさ」*3に曰く、
いちいち気にし出したら時代劇なんてできないじゃん! と言われればその通りなのだけど。
*1:Cited in https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20150213/1423756575
*2:See eg. https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20080620/1213951541 https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20080822/1219411218 https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20090325/1237951018 https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20090908/1252429767 https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20100219/1266560714 https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/2019/01/25/171923