Howard S. Beckerの"The Politics of Presentation: Goffman and Total Institutions"を読んでみる。
このテクストは、ゴッフマンの"On the Characteristics of Total Institutions"の読解。ベッカーはこのテクストを先ず、"a classic example of the relation between methods of presenting research and scholarship and their political content"であるという。そこで、ゴッフマンが解決を示している問題は、"how to avoid the analytic flaws and failures which arise from our unthinking acceptance of the constraints of conventional thinking"ということ。この問題は一般にどういうものなのか*1;
問題は一見すると、研究者の視点vs.(社会科学の対象としての)当事者の視点ということであるかのように見える。しかし、それだけではない。研究者が出逢う当事者の視点、或いはそれを体現した言語は1つではない。"one or another of the perspectives already in use by one or another of the groups there"とあるように、複数の視点(言語)と出逢うのである。ベッカーが例示する(『アウトサイダーズ』以来お馴染みの)「マリワナ」についていえば、そのユーザーの視点なのか、医者の視点なのか、警察の視点なのか、弁護士の視点なのか。また、ここには「権力」の問題も絡んでくる;
When social scientists study something--a community, an organization, an ethnic group--they are never the first people to have arrived there, newcomers to an unpeopled landscape who can name its features as they like. Every topic they write about is part of the experience of many other kinds of people, all of whom have their own ways of speaking about it, specialized words for the objects and events and people involved in that area of social life. Those special words are never neutral objective signifiers. Rather, they express the perspective and situation of the particular kinds of people who use them. The natives are already there and everything in that terrain has a name, more likely many names.If we choose to name what we study with words the people involved already use, we acquire, with the words, the attitudes and perspectives the words imply. Since many kinds of people are involved in any social activity, choosing words from any of their vocabularies thus commits us to one or another of the perspectives already in use by one or another of the groups there. Those perspectives invariably take much for granted, making assumptions about what might better be treated, social scientifically, as problematic.
ともかく、社会科学者にとって、自らの研究対象をどう名付けるのか、(既存の)どのような名前を選択するのかがそもそも問題となる−−"If I study marijuana, do I speak of "marijuana addiction" or, as I chose to do, in a minor linguistic variation that connoted a serious shift in perspective, of "marijuana use"? Do we speak of "getting high on," of "being intoxicated by," or of "being under the influence of" this substance?"
What things are called almost always reflects relations of power. People in power call things what they want to and others have to adjust to that, perhaps using their own words in private, but accepting in public what they cannot escape. Whatever I and my friends think, marijuana is defined as a narcotic drug by people who can make that name and perspective stick.
"If I choose the terms used by the people who "own" the territory, and therefore choose the perspectives associated with those terms, I let my analysis be shaped by conventional social arrangements and the distribution of power and privilege they create." その「技術的・道徳的帰結(technical and moral consequences)」は?
「技術的帰結」−−"the class of phenomena I want to generalize about is made up of things which have in common only the moral attitudes toward them of powerful people and groups in the society, and the actions that have been taken toward them in consequence." さらに、"a tremendous difficulty in finding anything general to say about the phenomena, other than things associated with those moral attitudes"が帰結する。
「道徳的帰結」は、その場合、(不可避的に)"we accept, willingly or not, all the assumptions about right and wrong contained in those words and ideas"ということである。
ベッカーによれば、ゴッフマンが「精神病院について書き始める」にあたって直面した問題は以上のようなものである−−"The existing language for discussing the people confined in such institutions embodied the perspectives of the people who were able to confine others in them--the professional staff who ran them, the legal professionals who assigned people to them, the families who had solved their problem with an unruly family member, the police for whom they were what is sometimes called a public nuisance."
ベッカーは、ゴッフマンの「解決」として、「言語的解決(linguistic solution)」と「比較による解決(comparative solution)」を挙げている。
「言語的解決(linguistic solution)」
ベッカーは"the considerable disparity between the social reality he is talking about and the way he talks about it"に注目する。つまり、
「不均衡」は先ずゴッフマンが記述に使用する言語に存する。例えば、彼はjudgmental language、ネガティヴな形容詞や副詞を使わない。まるで、「蟻山」とか「蜂の巣」を記述するかのように。例えば、
He describes and analyzes social practices which are quite common, whose existence and character are known to most adults, if not through their personal experience then through the experience of others they know and through secondhand descriptions in the press, films, drama, and fiction. He describes and analyzes organized social practices of incarceration and degradation which repel and even disgust many readers, and which arouse feelings of shame in us for living in a society in which such things have happened and continue to happen. His detailed and comprehensive descriptions make it impossible to ignore the continued existence of these organized, socially accepted activities, and have on occasion instigated attempts at their reform.
「比較による解決(comparative solution)」
He uses the word "echelon" (instead of, for instance, "domination") to describe the typical authority system of a total institution: "any member of the staff class has certain rights to discipline any member of the inmate class, thereby markedly increasing the probability of sanction." (p. 42) The word is neutral. Since it is not commonly used for this purpose, it has no immediately negative connotations, such as a term like "domination" would have. It simply describes one way among many of organizing authority relations, just as Weber's distinction between charismatic, bureaucratic, and traditional describes three other ways.
ベッカーは「不均衡」は、ゴッフマンが「トータル・インスティチューションという理念型に到達するために使用した比較の手続き」にも見られるという。ゴッフマンは先ず"social establishments"*2という最も一般的なクラスを設定する。
He then classifies establishments, roughly, by their relations to the lives of the individuals who participate in them. Some institutions will not accept people of certain kinds at all. Many institutions have a changing population of customers or workers. Others, like families, change their personnel less frequently. Some institutions house activities their participants take seriously; others are for more frivolous activities.
Ordinary social science, unlike Goffman, typically uses as classificatory categories the words, and their associated judgments of moral and social worth, common in the organizations being analyzed. The distinction, for instance, between "deviant' and "normal" activities contains just such judgments, common in the legal and therapeutic organizations which deal with the matters conventionally so classified. So do classifications of organizations and activities as "functional" or, more clearly, "dysfunctional." And these are categories that intend to be scientific and dispassionate. The judgmental character of social science categories is clearer yet in more politically and ethically engaged research and writing, which routinely use terms like "repressive" or "corrupt" to describe the phenomena they analyze.
さて、ゴッフマンは、"Every institution captures something of the time and interest of its members and provides something of a world for them; in brief, every institution has encompassing tendencies"と述べるが、"encompassing"の度合いという基準によって、"total institution"が析出される。さらにそこから、"inmates"という概念が−−"His analysis will look for the other features which commonly accompany this sort of total control over the lives of the people in them, who he soon starts calling "inmates," thus adopting for the whole class (including nuns, priests, soldiers, and others not usually thought of as being incarcerated) the demeaning term typically used in mental hospitals". ここから、どのような効果が生まれるのか;
Though he will, through most of the essay, be discussing places about which we routinely make strongly negative judgments--mental hospitals, concentration camps, prisons--he treats them as members of the same class as organizations about which we usually make no such simple negative judgments--military establishments, ships at sea, or religious retreats. This creates what seems to be a moral confusion at the heart of his method, for we are confronted with a classification that combines and treats as equivalent things which, as morally competent members of our society, class, and profession, we "know" are morally quite disparate. We may be anti-militarist, but most of us do not think that army camps are concentration camps. We may have little sympathy for organized religion, yet not be ready to say that monasteries or convents are prisons.
The total institution no longer stands out as aberrant--as though the social world was divided into institutions and practices which are "ordinary" or "normal" and do not ask for an abnormal commitment from a person, and then there is this strange one, completely different, which requires total control. Instead of being different and strange it is now just a different reading on a dial, another of the possible positions on this scale. This is not a trivial result.
Goffman used his linguistic inventiveness to name things in ways that evaded conventional moral judgments and thereby to make scientific work possible. Instead of pointing with scorn at the "inhuman practices" of mental hospitals, or defending them as honest professionals doing the best they could with a difficult job, he situated their activities in a context of organizational necessity they shared with other organizations with widely varying degrees of moral repute. The resulting generalizations made possible a deeper understanding of these phenomena than either denunciation or defense ever had.His generalizations about total institutions simultaneously made possible a far more serious moral evaluation of those practices, since the judgment was now based on a more than superficial understanding of what the moral choices actors had to make actually were. This leads, inevitably, to blaming organizations rather than individuals, and not even to blaming them for doing what they have to do under the circumstances in which they exist. It is never easy to assign blame for what a whole society, in all its parts, is responsible for.
では、主観性に準拠した考察は不要なのだろうか。そうではあるまい。脱主観化された考察は、その場に当事者として関わる者がその場(例えば"total institution")をその場として構成するために、主観性の如何に拘わらず、意識するしないに拘わらず、参照せざるを得ない条件というかルールのようなものを明るみに出す。それを前提として、それぞれの当事者はそれぞれの思惑(主観性)を持って、振る舞う。この「思惑」は他の当事者にとっては、〈客観的〉な条件である*3。こうして、主観性に準拠した考察は、社会状況のよりthickな理解のためには再度回帰してこざるを得ないのである。
ベッカーのテクストで、どうも結論部に反映していないのではないかと思われる一節がある。そこで、彼はゴッフマンにとって、(通常の)「社会科学や関連領域の理論」は"raw material, whose analysis will reveal the basic character of the institutions which use them"なのであるといっている。その理論の使用目的は、"to validate the methods used to accomplish the end of managing large numbers of people under the conditions of a total institution"である。ゴッフマン自身の文章を引用すると−−"Mental hospitals stand out here because the staff pointedly establish themselves as specialists in the knowledge of human nature, who diagnose and prescribe on the basis of this intelligence. Hence in the standard psychiatric textbooks there are chapters on "psychodynamics" and "psychopathology" which provide charmingly explicit formulations of the "nature" of human nature." ここには、「理論」を〈エスノメソッド〉の一つとして相対化しつつ、主観性に準拠した考察を行う方向性が見られると思うのだが、如何だろうか。
第1章 見えない戦争−−湾岸戦争と『敗戦後論』
第2章 戦争という名のテロリズム−−9・11と「四千の日と夜」
第3章 〈戦後〉の変容−−メディアの言説から
第4章 敗戦をまたぐ−−「一億の号泣」
アメリカ左翼界の長老Howard Zinnさんの"It is not only Iraq that is occupied. America is too"。
I wake up in the morning, read the newspaper, and feel that we are an occupied country, that some alien group has taken over. I wake up thinking: the US is in the grip of a president surrounded by thugs in suits who care nothing about human life abroad or here, who care nothing about freedom abroad or here, who care nothing about what happens to the earth, the water or the air, or what kind of world will be inherited by our children and grandchildren.
The "war on terrorism" is not only a war on innocent people in other countries; it is a war on the people of the US: on our liberties, on our standard of living. The country's wealth is being stolen from the people and handed over to the super-rich. The lives of the young are being stolen.
*2:定義は、"places such as rooms, suites of rooms, buildings or plants in which activity of a particular kind regularly goes on"。