Daniel Bell

MICHAEL T. KAUFMAN “Daniel Bell, Ardent Appraiser of Politics, Economics and Culture, Dies at 91” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/26/arts/26bell.html

社会学者のダニエル・ベル氏が死去。思えば、「イデオロギーの終焉」も「脱工業化社会」も彼が作った言葉だったのだ。伊太利系移民の米国社会への適応過程におけるマフィア集団の機能についての考察もしているし、1975年にThe British Journal of Sociologyに発表した”Return of the Sacred?”という論文は1970年代の宗教社会学における最重要論文のひとつといってもいい。ただ、「ギャングスタ・ラップ」の考察をしていたということは知らなかった。因みに最初に私が読んだのは『資本主義の文化的矛盾』。訳者によるベルへのインタヴューが掲載されていて、そこで彼がパーソンズ流のシステム論に疑問符を投げ、ゴッフマンなどの流れに期待を表明していたのが(当時の私には)興味深かった。

資本主義の文化的矛盾 上 (講談社学術文庫 84)

資本主義の文化的矛盾 上 (講談社学術文庫 84)

資本主義の文化的矛盾 中 (講談社学術文庫 85)

資本主義の文化的矛盾 中 (講談社学術文庫 85)

資本主義の文化的矛盾 下 (講談社学術文庫 86)

資本主義の文化的矛盾 下 (講談社学術文庫 86)


Mr. Bell never hesitated to expand and revise his thinking through the years. New editions of his older books often include new prefaces and afterwords that look at his old arguments in the light of new developments in politics and society. And he was always quick to point out what he regarded as misconceptions about his work and his life.

In 2003, for example, an article by James Atlas in The Times described him and Mr. Kristol as neoconservatives who had felt that the Vietnam War had a “persuasive rationale.” He answered with a letter that declared, “I was not and never have been a ‘neoconservative.’ Nor did I support the war.”

Indeed, for all the ideological wars he had witnessed, Mr. Bello disdained labels, particularly as they were applied to him. Over the years he would offer his own political profile, declaring what he called his “triune” view of himself: “a socialist in economics, a liberal in politics and a conservative in culture.”

因みに、政治哲学者のDaniel Bell氏*3は別人。



*3:See http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080403/1207197941 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20081009/1223518808