Wangjianshuo's blog

 1月9日のShanghai Dailyに、”the first blogger in China”であるWang Jianshuo氏についての記事あり*1河南省出身のWang氏は、2002年9月11日以来毎日英語のblog*2を書き続けているという。
 1月9日のエントリー、”The City and its Moral Boundary”*3に曰く、

There is a way called farmer selling. It is basically to hire enough very low educated people (many of them are only children under 18) and pay them to distribute those name-card-size advertisement cards on the street. It is annoying. In People's Square or Xujiahui, there are many and you have to hide from them, escape from them, and sometimes fight with them to go to your direction. I hate those guys.
これは上海にいる人なら、地下鉄などは使わず自動車でしか移動しないという人は別として、お馴染みすぎる光景である。おまけに、Xujiahuiは私の地元だ。これを英語で” farmer selling”というのね。それから、

After I get off board the Metro and head to the Raffles City, a group of people are selling their Magic Water Saver equipment at the tunnel of the Metro. It is just a magnetic coin that stick to the Water Meter. Since the magnetic is so powerful that the pointers of the meter will stop to run, and the water continues to run out of the meter. They claim that with their equipment, you don't have to pay a penny to the water company while you can enjoy as much water as you want. One woman immediately gave him 10 RMB to get one. This is called shameless stealing, right? Beside it, many people are selling fake goods.
これもよく見ますね。ただ、日本の〈蝦蟇の油〉の如く、たんに” fake goods”を掴まされましたというよりも、売自体がエンターテイメントになっていて、騙されることを娯しむという側面があるのかどうかはわからない。識者のご教示を俟ちたい。
