

21 July 2014 Last updated at 11:20

China suspends McDonald's and KFC's meat supplier

Chinese branches of fast food chains, including McDonald's and KFC, have stopped using meat from a supplier in Shanghai following allegations it sold them out of date meat.

According to Xinhua, the state-owned news agency, authorities in Shanghai have ordered the suspension of operations at Shanghai Husi Food Co*1.

Reports by local media said that Husi had re-processed expired meat products.

McDonald's and KFC said they had stopped using meat from Husi.

In a statement posted on its website, translated from Mandarin, the Shanghai Municipal Food and Drug Administration said it had "decided to investigate claims of the alleged use of expired raw food material production and the processing of it in food"*2

Shanghai Husi is the Chinese unit of US-based food supplier OSI Group*3.

According to OSI's website, the company's unit in China "started to provide high-quality products to McDonald's China" in 1992.

The unit began supplying Yum China in 2008. Yum China manages the KFC and Pizza Hut chains and its sales have been hit by recent health scares.

Yum's sales dipped after a report in 2012 said two of its suppliers were providing chickens with excessive levels of antibiotics.

Just as the firm was recovering from those allegations, fears of an outbreak of bird flu in the country dented its sales.
Practices 'unacceptable'

Benjamin Cavender from consultancy China Market Research Group, based in Shanghai said: "Yum has just started rebuilding credibility and had some decent sales which just came out for the second quarter.

"I think this is really going to set them back."

According to figures from research firm Euromonitor, McDonald's and Yum are the two leading fast food chains in China, based on sales.

Speaking to Reuters a spokesperson for McDonald's in China said: "If proven, the practices outlined in the reports are completely unacceptable to McDonald's anywhere in the world"

She added that the firm used a "few protein suppliers" in China.

See also

Sophie Jane Evans “Shanghai shuts factory 'supplying out-of-date meat to American fast food chains including McDonald’s and KFC'” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2699623/McDonalds-KFC-China-face-new-food-scandal.html
Associated Press “China supplier sold McDonald's, KFC expired meat” http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2014/07/21/mcdonalds-kfc-china-scandal/12929885/
Adam Jourdan and Lisa Baertlein “Yum, McDonald's apologize as new China food scandal hits” http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/21/us-yum-brands-food-safety-idUSKBN0FQ01P20140721
陳杰「徹査厳処 依法一追到底」http://xmwb.news365.com.cn/jd/201407/t20140722_1160095.html


Reuters “Starbucks China says sold products containing chicken from troubled meat supplier” http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/22/yum-brands-food-safety-starbucks-idUSB9N0OL01F20140722
Adam Jourdan “China food scandal spreads, drags in Starbucks, Burger King and McNuggets in Japan” http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/22/us-china-food-idUSKBN0FR07K20140722


*1:“Meat from McDonald, KFC's Shanghai supplier taken off shelf” http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2014-07/20/c_133497834.htm

*2:上海市食品薬品監督管理局「上海福喜食品已被査封 監管理部門責令下游企業立即封存相関食品原料」http://www.shfda.gov.cn/gb/node2/node3/node253/node270/node2765/userobject1ai41114.html
