Zoya Mateen “Sidhu Moose Wala: Murder of popular Indian singer sparks anger” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-61629130
Associated Press “Sidhu Moose Wala: Punjabi singer and rapper shot dead” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/30/sidhu-moose-wala-punjabi-singer-rapper-shot-dead-shubhdeep-singh-sidhu
印度(パンジャブ)の歌手/ラッパー、Sidhu Moose Wala(本名はShubhdeep Singh Sidhu)*1が現地時間5月29日、パンジャブ州マンサで正体不明の複数の人間に襲撃され、死亡した。享年28歳。パンジャブ州警察当局は、ギャング間の抗争に巻き込まれた、カナダを本拠とするパンジャブ人ギャング組織が犯行声明を出したと語っている。しかし、家族は警察当局の発表に抗議している。また、パンジャブ州政府は、事件の前日に Sidhu Moose Walaを含む400名の人々に対する「セキュリティ上の保護措置(security cover)」を解除している。この責任を問う声も強い。
Sidhu Moose Walaは印度亜大陸だけではなく、グローバルなパンジャブ人(シーク教徒)コミュニティ*2で絶大な人気を誇っているようだ。APの記事からのコピー;
Moose Walawho blended hip-hop, rap and folk music, started off as a songwriter before a hit song in 2017 catapulted his singing career, making him well known among the Indian and Punjabi diaspora in countries including the UK and Canada.Most of his singles have an English title, though the songs were mainly sung in Punjabi. His glossy music videos often focused on macho culture. His debut album in 2018 made it to Canada’s Billboard albums chart.
Moose Wala was a controversial figure, in part because of his lyrical style. In 2020, police charged him under India’s Arms Act for allegedly promoting gun culture in one of his songs.
His latest track, The Last Ride, was released this month.
また、 Sidhu Moose Walaは印度国民会議に入党し、2021年にパンジャブ州議会議員選挙に出馬し、落選している。
*1:See eg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidhu_Moose_Wala
*2:See also https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20050711 https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20050801 https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20070125/1169696392 https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20140730/1406693032 https://sumita-m.hatenadiary.com/entry/20170220/1487599067