
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20130930/1380479628で採り上げたIan Buruma氏の”“The joy of art: why Japan embraced sex with a passion”*1に曰く、”Indeed, the most democratic period of prewar Japan, the "Taisho democracy" of the roaring 20s, was known for ero guro nansensu culture, short for "erotic, grotesque, absurd".” 「エロ・グロ・ナンセンス文化」が「大正デモクラシー」期の文化だというのはやはり事実誤認だろう。「エロ・グロ・ナンセンス」というのは、天皇元号が替わった昭和初期の風潮を特徴づけるものだろう。森脇逸男氏曰く、



昭和3年の三・一五事件(徳田球一野坂参三、志賀義雄、杉浦啓一などが検挙)の直後の4月、日本ビクター会社から国産レコード盤「モン・パリ」「波浮の港」が売り出され、大ヒットした。その翌月にコロムビアから出た「私の青空」「アラビアの唄」も大いにヒットした。翌年、佐藤千夜子が歌った「東京行進曲」(西條八十作詞・中山晋平作曲)の「ジャズで踊ってリキュルで更けて 明けりゃダンサーの涙雨」という歌詞はまさに時代をなまなましく反映していた。この歌の第4節の前半は「長い髪したマルクスボーイ今日も抱える赤い恋」であった。「赤い恋」とは、ソ連のアレクサンドラ・コロンタイ(1872-1952)の小説「赤い恋」のことで、男女同権による自由恋愛を意味していた。ところが、吹き込み直前になってビクターの部長・長岡庄五から「待った」がかかり、急遽、「シネマ見ましょかお茶飲みましょうか」に変更された。その理由は取り締まり当局が厳しくなっているからだった。




Duncan Bartlett “Historic Japanese erotica reveals Tokyo’s sex secrets “ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-24298728

大英博物館Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Artだが、16歳未満の入場が禁止されるという。英国では16歳という年齢の意味は(例えば日本や米国などと比べて)大きいのだろうか。

To modern eyes, Shunga pictures sometimes resemble caricatures or contemporary manga cartoons from Japan, which can also be highly sexualised.

However, they rarely show completely nude bodies.

Professor Timon Screech from the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) says they need to be seen in context.

"The longstanding idea that the shape of the human body somehow encompasses perfection is drawn from a Greek ideal that was completely absent in all East Asian countries," says Professor Screech.

"It is much more likely that people thought beautiful, fine clothes were more sexually arousing than skin. Skin is what workers exposed in the street or what you saw at the bath house," he says.

"Whereas if you could run your fingers through some amazing piece of cloth - that was exciting. That is why the bodies are often covered in amazing fabrics."

The first Shunga pictures to arrive in Britain were included in the cargo of a ship named the Clove, owned by the East India Company, which returned from a pioneering voyage to Japan in 1614.

It also brought back suits of armour and silk screens decorated with gold - presents from the Japanese Shogun (military commanders).

Some of the goods were sold at auction but the company confiscated the Shunga from the Clove's commander John Saris, considering it scandalous. It was later destroyed.

Professor Screech, who has written a book about Shunga, says the pictures rarely show compulsion or rape.

"The ultimate fetish seems to be that the person who I am doing it with actually wants to do it with me," he says.

In reality, prostitution was widespread in early modern Tokyo, when the city was known as Edo. Young women from poor backgrounds were often sold into the sex trade by their families. Venereal disease and unwanted pregnancies were common.

Art of the time - both erotic images and more mainstream depictions of women working as courtesans - presents a different picture, according to Professor Screech.

"Everyone is beautiful or gets beauty. There are a few stories of some vain person forcing their attentions on a person who rejects them but, for the most part, Shunga is celebratory of what can be termed, somewhat anachronistically, as a kind of free love - which we know was almost certainly not the case at the time," he says.