
Siobhann Tighe “Is it OK to watch porn in public?” http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-38611265

Siobhann Tigheは或る夜、仕事を終えて帰宅するために乗ったバスで、隣席に座った男がスマホでポルノを鑑賞しているのに遭遇してしまったという。
公共空間でのポルノ鑑賞を規制するのは、鑑賞されているのが「合法的」なポルノである以上、「市民的自由」との兼ね合いで難しいというClare McGlynnさん(ダーハム大学)*3の意見;

According to Prof Clare McGlynn from Durham University who specialises in the law around porn, there's little to stop someone viewing pornographic material in public - on public transport, in a library, in a park or a cafe, for example.

"It's like reading a book," she says. "They are viewing lawful material which is freely available, and restricting people's access to it presents other challenges."

In Prof McGlynn's view, the law would only prevent it if the porn viewer is harassing someone or causing a disturbance.

So, what do you do? Prof McGlynn describes it as a dilemma.

"It's like someone shouting at you, calling to you to 'Cheer up, love!'" says Prof McGlynn. "Do you confront it, or do you put your head down and walk along?"


But when I contacted Transport for London, they appeared to take the case very seriously.

"If someone has made you feel uncomfortable, for example by viewing pornographic material, please tell the police or a member of our staff," I was told.

A member of staff said passengers should report incidents like to this to the bus driver, who would tell the control centre, and the information would then be passed to the police for them to investigate.

In Prof McGlynn's view, there is not much the police could do. On the other hand, James Turner QC contacted the BBC to say that there is a law - the Indecent Displays (Control) Act - which might form the basis for a prosecution.


Five years ago, in the US, the executive director of a group called Morality in the Media had an experience similar to mine on an aeroplane. As a result, the group - now called the National Center On Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE)*5 - campaigned to get the major US airlines to stop passengers watching porn.

"All of them except for one agreed to improve their policies to prohibit passengers from viewing this material during flights and agreed to better train their flight attendants on what to do," Haley Halverson of NCOSE told me.
