


小池昌代詩集 (現代詩文庫)

小池昌代詩集 (現代詩文庫)

次は、J. Hillis Miller Othersの第5章、ジョセフ・コンラッドの『闇の奥』を論じた”Joseph Conrad: Should We Read Heart of Darkness?”から;

(…) By “read” I mean not just run the words passively through the mind’s ear, but perform a reading in the strong sense, an active responsible response that renders justice to a book by generating more language in its turn, the language of attestation, even though that language may remain silent or implicit. Such a response testifies that the one who responds has been changed by the reading. Part of the problem, as you can see, is that it is impossible to decide authoritatively whether or not we should read Heart of Darkness without reading it in that strong sense. By then it is too late. I have already read it, been affected by it, and passed my judgment, perhaps recorded that judgment for others to read. (…) Each must read again in his or her turn and bear witness to that reading in his or her turn. In that aphorism about which Jacques Derrida has had so much to say, Paul Celan says, “Niemand / zeugt fur den / Zeugen (Nobody / bears witness for the / witness).”*1 This might be altered to say, “No one can do your reading for you.” Each must read for himself or herself and testify anew. (p.104)


闇の奥 (岩波文庫 赤 248-1)

闇の奥 (岩波文庫 赤 248-1)


Should we read Heart of Darkness? May we read it? Must we read it? Or, on the contrary, ought we not to read it or allow our students and the public in general to read it? Should every copy be taken from all the shelves and burned? (ibid.)

Conrad’s novel is brought before the bar of justice, arraigned, tried, and judged. The critic acts as witness of his or her reading, also as interrogator, prosecuting attorney, jury, and presiding judge. The critic passes judgment and renders justice. (p.108)
ここでMillerが挙げているのは、ナイジェリアの小説家Chinua Achebeの”Conrad was a bloody racist”という批判とBette Londonの批判、それからエドワード・サイードの『文化と帝国主義』における批判である(pp.108-109)。
Chinua Achebeについては、

Petri Liukkonen “Chinua Achebe” http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/achebe.htm
Ed Pilkington “A long way from home” http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2007/jul/10/chinuaachebe

Bette Londonについては、


ところで、Millerによると、『闇の奥』は「反復的な擬人法(prosopopoeia)の使用」を特徴とする(pp.120-122)。とすると、『闇の奥』という日本語タイトルは問題となるだろう(岩波文庫版だけでなく、光文社からの新訳も『闇の奥』というタイトルを受け継いでいるようだが)。というのもHeart of Darknessというタイトル自体がdarknessという抽象名詞に「心臓(heart)」を与える擬人法であるからだ。

*1:“Aschenglorie.” 英訳はPierre Joris(“Ashglory”)。