Patti Smith on Susan Sontag


Susan Sontag

Writer, Activist, Friend

January 16, 1933 - December 28, 2004

"The only interesting answers are those that destroy the questions"

Susan Sontag died a year ago this morning. Her battles waged against cancer were fierce. Our mental warrior fell valiantly in her third battle.

We wished her a beautiful journey with this prayer: "Shatter as you go. May your new path be littered with the debris of many questions. May your answers cause the stars to shudder. Farewell."

Now a year later we wish the same, yet miss her deeply. Her sense of outrage, her courageous voice, her hearty appetite for life. In losing her we are forced to step up ourselves. To speak out. to praise and to rebuild. All beauty must be observed, all wretchedness must be lifted. Our arms are empty yet can be filled. The world she viewed calls to us. Man and nature cries for a champion. She has taught us how to be just that. She was our champion and we. in turn, must champion one another.



February 5, 1914 - August 2, 1997

"When I become death, death is the seed from which I grow."

A tree forms in heaven that bares loaves and fishes.
The fish are wall-eyed pike caught in the hands of a
pure young brave from an even purer stream.
Thebread of dreams falls to the earth
in a field alive with wildflowers.
The birds are overjoyed
and now as they fly
they see another sky.
The Doctor in heaven watches over us.
The dream virus is the antidote
and the winged spread it.
Fish in the frying pan.
Whistling blue skies.
The ghost of William smiles.

Happy Birthday William.
We love you.


 “Patti Smith: On Meltdown 2005”

 彼女がキューレイトしたMeltdown 2005を前にした記者会見のトランススクリプトウィリアム・ブレイクについての、ジミ・ヘンドリックスについての語りが興味深い。


*2: ただし、現在このテクストは掲載されていない。から引用させていただいた。