大江健三郎(The New Yorker)


Kenzaburo Oe “History Repeats” http://www.newyorker.com/talk/2011/03/28/110328ta_talk_oe

The New Yorker大江健三郎*2のエッセイ。地震が起こったちょうどそのとき、ビキニ環礁水爆実験の第五福竜丸についての文章を執筆していたという。最後のパラグラフは、

When I was at an age that is commonly considered mature, I wrote a novel called “Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness.” Now, in the final stage of life, I am writing a “last novel.” If I manage to outgrow this current madness, the book that I write will open with the last line of Dante’s Inferno: “And then we came out to see once more the stars.”
われらの狂気を生き延びる道を教えよ (新潮文庫)

われらの狂気を生き延びる道を教えよ (新潮文庫)