Info on Passage to Manhood

EastAsian Anthropologist MLへの著者Shao-hua Liuさんのメッセージ;

I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book:
Passage to Manhood: Youth Migration, Heroin, and AIDS in Southwest
China (Stanford University Press, listed on Studies of the Weatherhead
East Asian Institute, Columbia University). Both cloth and paperback
copies are available at

Passage to Manhood addresses the intersection of modernity, heroin
use, and HIV/AIDS as they are embodied in a new rite-of-passage among
young men in the Sichuan province of southwestern China. Through a
nuanced analysis of the Nuosu population, this book seeks to answer
why the Nuosu has a disproportionately large number of opiate users
and HIV positive individuals relative to others in Sichuan. By
focusing on the experiences of Nuosu migrants and drug users, it shows
how multiple modernities, individual yearnings, and societal
resilience have become entwined in the Nuosu's calamitous encounter
with the Chinese state and, after long suppression, their efforts at
cultural reconstruction.

This ethnography pits the Nuosu youths' adventures, as part of their
passage to manhood, against the drastic social changes in their
community and, more broadly, China over the last half century. It
offers fascinating material for courses on migration, globalization,
youth culture, public health, and development at both undergraduate
and gradual levels.

"Liu's remarkable 'medical ethnography' is not just a telling account
of the devastating effects of youth migration, drugs, and AIDS on the
Nuosu minority. It is as impressive an anthropological study as I have
read of how the failure of the Chinese state and international
organizations to take into account the local moral experiences of real
people both causes social suffering and prevents the successful
implementation of intervention programs. A splendid
achievement."―Arthur Kleinman, Harvard University

For more information about the book, please visit Stanford University
Press at

Shao-hua Liu
Institute of Ethnology
Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Nuosuに関するエスノグラフィとしては、ほかに例えばStevan Harrell Ways of Being Ethnic in Southwest China*1あり。
Ways of Being Ethnic in Southwest China (Studies on Ethnic Groups in China)

Ways of Being Ethnic in Southwest China (Studies on Ethnic Groups in China)