José Saramagoについて、『ガーディアン』の記事;
Richard Lea “Nobel laureate José Saramago dies, aged 87” http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2010/jun/18/jose-saramago-writer-nobel-dies
Amanda Hopkinson “José Saramago obituary” http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2010/jun/18/jose-saramago-obituary
また、José Saramagoへのインタヴューが2本リンクされている;
Stephanie Merritt “Still a street-fighting man” http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2006/apr/30/fiction.features1
Maya Jaggi “New ways of seeing” http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/nov/22/jose-saramago-blindness-nobel
Stephanie Merrittによるインタヴューは英語圏の新聞初のインタヴュー。
José Saramagoは2008年からblogを綴っていた(Richard Lea)*2。最後のエントリーは死の当日だ!*3
それから、ボルヘスとの関係はわからず。ただ、Amanda Hopkinsonの記事には
The writers he found himself most frequently compared with were Jorge Luis Borges, Franz Kafka and his compatriot Fernando Pessoa (although Saramago was resistant to this type of pigeonholing). His first bestseller, O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis (The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, 1984), was inspired by Ricardo Reis, one of the "heteronyms" whose identity Pessoa adopted as one of his half-dozen authorial identities.