ノーベル文学賞を受賞した瑞典の詩人Tomas Tranströmer*1、全く知らなかった。
Richard Lea and Alison Flood “Nobel prize for literature goes to Tomas Tranströmer” http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/oct/06/nobel-prize-literature-tomas-transtromer
The Swedish Academy has awarded the 2011 Nobel prize for literature to one of its own: the Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer.Tranströmer becomes the eighth European to win the world's premier literary award in the past 10 years, following the German novelist Herta Müller*2 in 2009, the French writer JMG le Clézio*3 in 2008 and the British novelist Doris Lessing*4 in 2007.
Sweden's most famous poet becomes the 104th literature laureate, and is the first poet to take the laurels since Poland's Wislawa Szymborska in 1996. Praised by the judges for his "condensed translucent images", which give us "fresh access to reality", Tranströmer's surreal explorations of the inner world and its relation to the jagged landscape of his native country have been translated into more than 50 languages.
Fulton*5said: "Some poets use their own language so densely they won't translate at all. Tranströmer is not one of these. In many ways the language he uses is relatively unadventurous and simple [but] he gives people unusual images [which are] sometimes very surprising and give the reader a shock. That should be what poets do."Although Englund*6 said that Tranströmer's production had been "sparse – you could fit it into a not too large pocket book, all of it" – he praised the poet's "exquisite" language. "He is writing about the big questions – death, history, memory, nature. Human beings are sort of the prism where all these great entities meet and it makes us important. You can never feel small after reading the poetry of Tomas Tranströmer." Born in Stockholm in 1931 and raised by his mother, a teacher, Tranströmer studied at the University of Stockholm and worked as a psychologist at an institution for young offenders.
His first collection of poetry, 17 Dikter (17 Poems), was published in 1954, while he was still at college. He has since reflected on his travels in the Balkans, Spain and Africa, and examined the troubled history of the Baltic region through the conflict between sea and land.
また、The Times of Indiaの
Tranströmer has described his poems as "meeting places", where dark and light, interior and exterior collide to give a sudden connection with the world, history or ourselves. According to the poet: "The language marches in step with the executioners. Therefore we must get a new language."
T Ramavarman “Nobel laureate has an India connection” http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-10-07/india/30257336_1_swedish-poet-tomas-transtromer-nobel-laureate-nobel-prize
Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature on Thursday, came to Bhopal immediately after the gas tragedy to express solidarity with the victims, noted Malayalam poet K Satchidanandan told TOI here. Transtromer along with Satchidanandan and other Indian poets participated in a poetry reading session held outside the sealed Union Carbide premises to commemorate those who died in the disaster."We participated in a festival organized by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. Writer Ashok Bajpayee was the one who invited us," said Satchidanandan, who too was in the list of probables for the Nobel Prize this year.
“Alone” (translated by Robin Fulton) http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/oct/06/tomas-transtromer-poem-alone-nobel-prize
“From March 1979” (translated by Robin Fulton) http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/oct/06/tomas-transtromer-march-1979-nobel-prize
*1:http://tomastranstromer.net/ See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomas_Transtr%C3%B6mer
*2:See http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091009/1255016444
*3:See http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20081009/1223582292
*4:See http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20071011/1192112818
*5:Robin Fulton. スコットランドの詩人。Tranströmerの詩の英訳をしている。 See eg. http://www.hydrohotel.net/FultonMainPage.htm http://www.spl.org.uk/best-poems_2004/fulton.htm
*6:Peter Englund, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy