
Owen GibsonWorld Cup organiser considers vuvuzela ban after TV complaints”

なお、そもそもvuvuzelaはNazareth Baptist Churchという基督教系の南アフリカ土着宗教の儀礼用の楽器であったらしい*2。Nazareth Baptist Churchについては、

In 1910 Isaiah Shembe founded what he called the Nazareth Baptist Church, a religion now better known just as Shembe.

A loose combination of Zulu culture and Old Testament Christianity, it is built around the special healing powers of the founder and the direct line of communication he claimed to have to God.

"It is partly African culture and partly Christianity," says church elder Reverend Goga.

"Jesus was for Israel, we believe Isaiah Shembe is an African prophet and on a higher level than Jesus."