Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin to reunite
(Monday June 25, 2007 12:20 AM)

Rock legends Led Zeppelin will reportedly reunite for a one-off memorial concert in honour of their late record boss before embarking on a world tour.

The Whole Lotta Love hitmakers have only performed a handful of concerts, including Live Aid in 1985, since their split in 1980 following the death of drummer John Bonham.

But singer Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist John Paul Jones will re-group alongside Bonham's son Jason for a special concert in memory of Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun in London.

A source says, "Page, Plant and Jones spoke and agreed to do the memorial concert. They are waiting for a definite date.

"And no-one can quite believe it, but during discussions about the concert they all gave the green light to a tour if it all does well and they don't all fall out.

"It has been hoped-for and denied for years. But this is the closest they have ever come to a reunion tour. The feeling is that this is going to happen next year."

Ertegun died in December after seven weeks in a coma following a fall at a Rolling Stones concert.

先ずはアトランティック・レコード創業者Ahmet Ertegunの追悼コンサートで。それが上手くいけば、ツアーもあり得るということ。ドラムを叩くのは息子のボンゾの息子Jasonということだが、そもそもZEPの再結成がなかったのはジョン・ボーナムに換わりうるドラマーがいなかったからだ。今回はどうなるのか。
Led Zeppelinということで検索して、序でに見つけたのは、ZEPの「天国への階段」がthe best rock song of all timeに選ばれたという2004年12月のニュース*1。それから、ZEPの歌詞におけるウェールズ的影響を論じるRobin Turner氏のテクスト*2