
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20070613/1181756639で言及したAbdennebi Ben Beya “Mimicry, Ambivalence and Hybridity” http://www.english.emory.edu/Bahri/1WEBPAGE.HTMLの最初の方で、ダニエル・デフォーの『ロビンソン・クルーソー』が論じられている。先ず、ロビンソンが「フライデー」と出会う以前;

When Robinson Crusoe set foot on the island and declared it his own, a new page was inscribed in the history of colonialism. The shipwreck becomes a historical moment in this history. Defoe is able to create a textual plantation with the undaunted Robinson at its center, involved in a double (d) divine action of invention and original self-invention. The footprint, however, will unsettle his undisturbed tranquility, and fear enters the stage. Neither the bible nor his guns will bring him peace. Crusoe will undergo the painful experience of recurrent traumatic nightmares before the event. The silence is broken. The Other has already inhabited the Self prior to the uncanny encounter: anxiety invades the body and mind of the stranded hero. The "textual empire" is shaken by the unknown: "The island is full of noises."
「出来事(the event)」(後に「フライデー」と名付けられる具体的な他者との遭遇)以前に、ロビンソンは「恐怖」を通して、得体の知れぬ〈他者〉に取憑かれてしまう。そして、遭遇の後;

When on a certain Friday, the encounter actually happens, Crusoe will demonstrate to the highest degree of perfection the noble qualities of an English tradesman-Gentleman: those of making and self-making, prowess and determination. Driven by an instinctive sense of a charitable concern for the meek, he rescues a young criolos cannibal from being devoured by other cannibals. Faithful to the already-established Spanish tradition, he names him Friday, teaches him English, the words of God, and above all, the basics of humanity; in other words, he has driven him out of utter darkness to an overwhelming whitening light.

Under these conditions, however, Crusoe paradoxically is more isolated than ever since the words he hears are his words --the very words he wanted Friday to say, to repeat. Crusoe is blinded by his narcissism.(….) Friday does not exist. Friday is a lie, an illusion created by a mad masterly imagination. He is an ever incomplete, insubstantial image, a mere inorganic shadow, a dark spot on the ground, an image. Friday is filling an empty space cynically prepared and strategically organized by the colonizer as a speaking subject. The mirror-image that Friday is striving to see reflected will be a distorted one, a neither-nor : one that is ambivalent, doubled.(….)

最初のパラグラフで語られているのは、ロビンソンによる”a young criolos cannibal”の啓蒙或いは人間化。Fridayと名付けることによるロビンソンの言語である英語への、象徴界への引き込み。勿論、ロビンソンがそう思ったからといって、フライデーが”the very words he wanted Friday to say”を発話するわけはない。あくまでも(特定の権力関係の中で)フライデーがそのように発話しようとしたから、フライデーはそのように発話したわけだ。ここにmimicryという契機が必然的に介在することになる。さて、ここで注目したのは、他者を思い通りにすることの代償としての〈孤独〉である。この場合の〈孤独〉は端的に自己−他者の境界の消滅によるものだ。他者の身体はロビンソンの主観性の一部になってしまっている。他者性というのは、思い通りにならないことにおいて存立するからだ。さらに、ロビンソンにとっての他者の喪失というのは、同時に他者と私が内存在する世界の喪失でもあるだろう。「恐怖」を通しての私の縮小(他者の浸透)と私の拡大(他者の消滅)による「孤独」。後者を動機付けるのは前者である。