
Associated Press “Vladimir Putin signs law banning gender changes in Russia” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/24/vladimir-putin-signs-law-banning-gender-changes-in-russia

これはプーチン政権によるセクシュアル・マイノリティ弾圧政策の総仕上げの趣を有する。あと残っているのは、同性間の性的交渉を非犯罪化したエリツィン政権の決定の撤回ぐらいなのでは? ただ、これはグローバルに吹き荒れる反リベラル的バックラッシュの一環として見るべきであり、露西亜的な特殊性ばかりを協調すべきではないだろう。

The ban is said to stem from the Kremlin’s crusade to protect what it views as the country’s “traditional values”. Lawmakers say the legislation is to safeguard Russia against “western anti-family ideology”, with some describing gender transitioning as “pure satanism”.

Russia’s crackdown on LGBTQ+ people started a decade ago when the president first proclaimed a focus on “traditional family values”, supported by the Russian Orthodox church.

In 2013, the Kremlin adopted legislation that banned any public endorsement of “nontraditional sexual relations” among minors*2. In 2020, Putin pushed through constitutional reform that outlawed same-sex marriage and last year he signed a law banning “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations” among adults*3.