“Police find five foetuses at the home of US anti-abortion activist” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60950016
反妊娠中絶団体 Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) のリーダー、ローレン・ハンディのワシントンの自宅地下から、5体の胎児の死体が発見された。彼女は2020年に中絶クリニックに不法に侵入した容疑で警察の家宅捜索を受けていた。
なお、彼女たちは”Catholic anarchist”を自称している。
Ms Handy recently claimed to have "gained access" to a foetal tissue and organ bank at the University of Washington in Seattle, but the university said nothing was taken.According to a separate federal indictment issued on Thursday, Ms Handy made an appointment at an abortion provider, the Washington Surgi-Clinic, for 22 October 2020 under the name Hazel Jenkins, saying she wanted an abortion.
But upon her arrival, a group "forcefully entered the clinic", the indictment says, knocking over a clinic employee who injured her ankle.
Under that indictment, Ms Handy and eight other members of the group are charged with conspiring to injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate patients and employees, in violation of their federal rights to seek and provide reproductive health services.
They are also charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) for using force to interfere with the clinic's services.
See also
Salvador Hernandez*1 “Five Fetuses Were Found In The Home Of An Anti-Abortion Activist, DC Police Said” https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/salvadorhernandez/anti-abortion-activist-fetuses
Christine Rousselle “Progressive pro-life group holds first rally outside US Supreme Court” https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/249162/progressive-pro-life-group-holds-first-rally-outside-us-supreme-court
カトリック系ニュース・サイトに掲載された、PAAU が連邦最高裁前でデモを行ったという記事。クリニック襲撃を起こす少し前。