
伊藤和子*1「インドを揺るがすレイプ殺人 なぜ悲劇は後をたたないのか。」http://bylines.news.yahoo.co.jp/itokazuko/20130108-00022977/


(…) Twenty-five hundred years ago, when he[the Buddha] encouraged people to make pilgromage to those sites that were significant to his life, he launched a multibillion-dollar international industry called tourism. Pilgrimages in the Buddha's footsteps were the first themed travel packages. (…) (Perry Garfinkel Buddha or Bust: In Search of Truth, Meaning, Happiness, and the Man Who Found Them All, p.50)
Buddha or Bust: In Search of Truth, Meaning, Happiness, and the Man Who Found Them All

Buddha or Bust: In Search of Truth, Meaning, Happiness, and the Man Who Found Them All