Associated Press “Burma ethnic violence escalates as villagers flee”
The unrest was triggered by the rape and murder last month of a Buddhist girl, allegedly by three Muslims, and the lynching of 10 Muslims on 3 June in apparent retaliation. There are long-standing tensions between the two groups.
The government regards the Rohingyas as illegal migrants from Bangladesh and has rendered them stateless by denying them citizenship. Although some are recent settlers, many have lived in Burma for generations and rights groups say they suffer severe discrimination.
ビルマのエスニックな紛争というと、ビルマ族vs. カレン族のそれが有名だが、Rakhine州のエスニック紛争はそれ以上に深刻であるようだ。ビルマ族vs. カレン族の対立については、例えば飯島茂「いま、なぜ「民族」と「国家」なのか――草の根の視座に立って――」(in 飯島茂編『せめぎあう「民族」と国家 人類学的視座から』アカデミア出版会、1993)*4などを参照のこと。
UNHCR, the UN's refugee agency, estimates 800,000 Rohingya live in Burma's mountainous Rakhine state bordering Bangladesh. Thousands attempt to flee every year to Bangladesh, Malaysia and elsewhere in the region, trying to escape a life of abuse that rights groups say includes forced labour, violence against Rohingya women and restrictions on movement, marriage and reproduction.
Mike Thompson “Burma's forgotten Rohingya”