
Margaret Boyle “Danmei(耽美): Girls who like boys who like boys” that's Shanghai March 2012, p.19

日本語の「ボーイズラブ*1、”books, poetry and comics featuring man-on-man romance written by girls, for girls”は中国語では「耽美」という。日本でも以前は〈お耽美系〉というのがあったのでは? 「耽美」は1990年代後半に日本から中国に導入された。当局の弾圧にも拘わらず、「腐女」(rotten girls)を自称するハードコアなファンは生き残っており、「耽美」は薄められたかたちでメインストリームのサイトにも進出しているという*2。何故「耽美」なのか;

(…) Danmei enthusiasts agree that they enjoy belonging to a quirky, tight-knit community and having secret online identities that grant them freedom of imagination. They say reading about idealized men is also less threatening, because there aren't women to compare themselves with. One fan said that love between two equals― already a comment on sexual inequality in China-- is more “pure” and makes for a better story.
It's common for Danmei characters to be androgynous, with big eyes and long flowing hair. There's clearly a preference for a world without strict rules about gender. The search for a definitive answer has spawned many a Asian gender studies dissertation about “gender resistance” and escaping “the objectification of women through the male gaze.” But the top response when talking with fans directly is that they simply love the stories.