

Sylvia Poggioli “Crime Writers Expose Scandinavia's Dark Side” http://www.npr.org/2011/07/27/138756602/crime-writers-expose-scandinavias-dark-side

Anders Behring Breivikのオスロ虐殺事件を巡って、政治家たちは〈驚き〉を表明するが、スカンディナヴィアの推理作家たちは、半島における極右の増長をその作品において描いてきた;

In Sweden and Norway, in particular, crime writers have picked up the torch of the 19th-century social novel. They are exploring the undercurrents that Holt recognizes in Norway, a society undergoing great social changes ― including growing racism and discrimination against new immigrants, as well as a rise in anti-Semitism and homophobia.
この記事で主に採り上げられているのは諾威の作家Anne Holt。彼女は諾威の元司法大臣でもある。

She belongs to what's called the Scandinavian crime fiction renaissance ― said to have taken off after the 1986 murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme.

As yet unsolved, that assassination raised many questions about wealthy, complacent welfare state societies unwilling to question themselves and their occasionally ambiguous past.

Olof Palme*2については、取り敢えずWikipedia*3と”1986: Swedish prime minister assassinated”*4を。

“Before Death, Acclaimed "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" Author Stieg Larsson Lamented Right-Wing Extremism” http://www.democracynow.org/2011/7/27/before_death_acclaimed_girl_with_dragon

瑞典の作家で、その死後に『龍の刺青の少女』などのファンタジー作品が世界的なベストセラーになった Stieg Larsson*5は実はスカンディナヴィア諸国における極右の研究家・反極右の活動家であった。ここでは、 Stieg LarssonのパートナーであったEva Gabrielssonが Stieg Larssonのこと、今回のオスロ虐殺事件のことを語っている。妻ではなく「パートナー」という言い方をしたのだが、彼らが法律上の結婚をしなかったのは、極右のテロから身を守るためだったという。但し、そのせいで、Stieg Larssonの死後、彼女はパートナーの親族との遺産を巡る裁判沙汰に巻き込まれることになる;

EVA GABRIELSSON: Well, we wanted to marry. I even―we even got the rings in 1983, and I still wear them. But we had to keep Stieg safe, and he wanted to keep me safe, by making sure that he was registered as unmarried in the Swedish public records, because we knew that they then, and still do, use the public records to make up lists of enemies of all kinds. These enemies are journalists. They are political activists. They are policemen. They are lawyers. They are politicians and so on. And Stieg was on that list from 1990 to '93, when the first list was revealed in a court case. And they continued to build on that list. So by not marrying―it was, of course, possible to find his address in the public records, but it wasn't possible to find behind which door he was living, because his name wasn’t on the door. He never paid any electricity bills. He never paid any gas bills. He never paid any insurance, anything like that. It was all in my name. So, that’s why we did not marry. And it worked. It worked fine.
Stieg Larssonを巡っては取り敢えず、

Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stieg_Larsson
CHARLES McGRATH “The Afterlife of Stieg Larsson” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/23/magazine/23Larsson-t.html

John Hooper “Ex-Berlusconi minister defends Anders Behring Breivik” http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jul/27/ex-berlusconi-minister-defends-breivik

伊太利の「北部同盟」のメンバーで、ベルルスコーニ政権で閣僚を務めたこともあるOriana Fallaciが Anders Behring Breivikの〈志〉を弁護したという話。
北部同盟」については、http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20060716/1153076610 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080918/1221763583 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080924/1222284435 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091221/1261396817でも言及している。