
ダブリン市民 (新潮文庫)

ダブリン市民 (新潮文庫)

Chris Power “A brief survey of the short story part 32: James Joycehttp://www.guardian.co.uk/books/booksblog/2011/mar/09/short-story-james-joyce


Dubliners, a work of what Terence Brown has called "embryonic modernism", pushed the short story collection into new areas. Its 15 stories function perfectly well in isolation, but reading each as part of a whole creates unique effects. Their themes, concerns and meanings overlap and reverberate. Most obviously, all 15 stories take place in Dublin. Secondly, they are ordered so that the book charts life "under", as Joyce explained, "four of its aspects: childhood, adolescence, maturity and public life." From this grounding, a range of experience is explored: love, marriage, employment, politics, religion and death. Deeper within this superstructure subtler patterns occur; concealed associations that might or might not be detected by the reader: Joyce's signposting is subtle, often to the point of obscurity.
“paralysis”(麻痺、無力、無能)について。ジョイスにとってダブリンは”centre of paralysis”であった;

For Joyce, "paralysis" represents a moral failure resulting in the inability to live meaningfully. It appears on the first page of the first story, "Two Sisters", in a sentence that offers a key to the whole book:

"Every night as I gazed up at the window I said softly to myself the word paralysis. It had always sounded strangely in my ears, like the word gnomon in the Euclid and the word Simony in the Catechism."

Here the "paralysis" is both literal, in the case of a dying priest after his third stroke, and moral: "simony" takes aim at the Catholic church's corrupting stranglehold on Irish society (culminating in the gleefully satirical Grace); "gnomon" is somewhat different, being more about form than content (a gnomon is a parallelogram with a section removed, as well as the shadow-casting part of a sundial). The word is a cryptic warning to the reader that these stories contain many absences, not least traditional plot, character and scene-setting.

ジョイスの「周到な野卑(scrupulous meanness)」という文体。また、”the directness of the prose and the suggestive ellipsis of poetry are blended”というJoyce Carol Oatesの評。さらに「自由・間接文体(free indirect style)」。それは各短編のテロスとなっている「顕現(epiphany)」が導き出されるための「地(ground)」となっている。


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