STEVE SMITH “Joe Morello, Drummer with Dave Brubeck Quartet, Dies at 82”
デイヴ・ブルーベック・カルテットのドラマーだった Joe Morello氏*1が亡くなる。享年82歳。
Before working with Mr. Brubeck, Mr. Morello had played with the guitarist Johnny Smith, the saxophonist Gil Melle and, briefly, Stan Kenton’s big band. From 1953 to 1956 he played in the pianist Marian McPartland’s trio, which worked frequently at the Hickory House nightclub in New York.
Joe MorelloもフィーチャーされているTime Outについては、
Joseph A. Morello was born in Springfield, Mass., on July 17, 1928. Sight-impaired from an early age, he took up the violin at 6 and performed Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E minor with the Boston Symphony Orchestra three years later. According to a biography on his Web site, Mr. Morello gave up the violin for drums at 15, after meeting his idol, the violinist Jascha Heifetz.
- アーティスト: Dave Brubeck
- 出版社/メーカー: Sony
- 発売日: 1997/03/27
- メディア: CD
- 購入: 2人 クリック: 30回
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