
Matt Diehl “It's a Joni Mitchell concert, sans Joni” http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/music/la-et-jonimitchell-20100422,0,601452,full.story *1

ジョニ・ミッチェルパフォーマーのJohn Kellyとの対談。John Kellyはジェンダーを問わず歴史上の人物を演じている人。ジョニ・ミッチェルモナ・リザピナ・バウシュ*2、ジャッキー・ケネディエゴン・シーレカラヴァッジオなど。この対談は、John Kellyがジョニ・ミッチェルを演じたショーPaved Paradise: The Art of Joni MitchellのLA公演に因んでのもの。
最初はJohn Kellyのパフォーマンスについてのトークだが、次第にジョニ・ミッチェル姐さんは色々な人をdisっていく。先ずマドンナに対して、” Americans have decided to be stupid and shallow since 1980. Madonna is like Nero; she marks the turning point.” インタヴュアの”You were born Roberta Joan Anderson, and someone named Bobby Zimmerman became Bob Dylan.”という発言に対して、

JM: Bob is not authentic at all. He's a plagiarist, and his name and voice are fake. Everything about Bob is a deception. We are like night and day, he and I.

As for my name, my parents wanted a boy, so they called me Robert John; when I came out a girl, they just added two letter A's to that. Then I married Chuck Mitchell; I wanted to keep my maiden name — I had a bit of a following as Joni Anderson — but he wouldn't let me.


Fibers in a variety of colors protrude out of my skin like mushrooms after a rainstorm: they cannot be forensically identified as animal, vegetable or mineral. Morgellons is a slow, unpredictable killer — a terrorist disease: it will blow up one of your organs, leaving you in bed for a year. But I have a tremendous will to live: I've been through another pandemic — I'm a polio survivor, so I know how conservative the medical body can be. In America, the Morgellons is always diagnosed as "delusion of parasites," and they send you to a psychiatrist. I'm actually trying to get out of the music business to battle for Morgellons sufferers to receive the credibility that's owed to them.
この対談を紹介した『ガーディアン』の記事ではこれに対して、”this campaign will need funding. Perhaps Bob Dylan could record a benefit album? “という突っ込みを入れている。

JM: My first four albums covered the usual youth problems — looking for love in all the wrong places — while the next five are basically about being in your 30s. Things start losing their profundity; in middle-late age, you enter a tragedian period, realizing that the human animal isn't changing for the better. In a way, I think I entered straight into my tragedian period, as my work is set against the stupid, destructive way we live on this planet. Americans have decided to be stupid and shallow since 1980. Madonna is like Nero; she marks the turning point.