WILLIAM GRIMES “Malcolm McLaren, Seminal Punk Figure, Dies at 64” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/09/arts/music/09mclaren.html
また、1997年にマクラーレンは自伝的な文章をNew Yorkerに寄稿しているらしい。
Malcolm Robert Andrew McLaren was born on Jan. 22, 1946, in London and was raised mostly by a wealthy grandmother. He attended more than half a dozen art schools. At none of them did things go smoothly. He was expelled from Chiswick Polytechnic, and the Croydon College of Art tried to have him transferred to a mental institution.He terminated his education, such as it was, in 1971 at Goldsmiths’ College in London, but not before completing a series of paintings titled “I Will Be So Bad.”
In recent years his name was linked with film, television and radio projects, most of them never realized, although he did help produce the film “Fast Food Nation” and presented two series for BBC2 radio, “Malcolm McLaren’s Musical Map of London” and “Malcolm McLaren’s Life and Times in L.A.”
LINDA LEE “Anarchy? No, It’s Art” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/07/fashion/07nite.html
マルコム・マクラーレンのイメージを(些かステレオタイプ的に)一言でいうなら、(映画のタイトルにもなった)『偉大なるロックンロールの詐欺師』ということになるか。また、死者を送る歌としては、やはり”My Way”が相応しいといえるだろう(ポール・アンカのヴァージョンでもフランク・シナトラのヴァージョンでも、勿論シド・ヴィシャスのヴァージョンでも)。
Mr. McLaren spent much of the last 30 years trying to explain punk. “I never thought the Sex Pistols would be any good,” he told The Times of London last year. “But it didn’t matter if they were bad.”
- 作者: ドキュメンタリー映画
- 出版社/メーカー: ビデオアーツ・ミュージック
- 発売日: 2008/05/21
- メディア: DVD
- クリック: 12回
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