JON PARELES “Peter Gabriel Says, ‘I’ll Sing Yours, You Sing Mine’” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/02/arts/music/02gabriel.html
カヴァー・アルバムScratch My Backを出したピーター・ゲイブリエルがNYTのインタヴューに答える。先ず、PGが自分の音楽は「スロー・フード」ならぬ「スロー・ミュージック運動の一環」だと語っているのを読んで、思わず笑ってしまう。
カヴァー・アルバムの意味。或いは、get around somethingとbuilding somethingの違い;
Covers albums don’t get any more idiosyncratic or high concept than “Scratch My Back.” Mr. Gabriel self-consciously set himself limits and conditions because, he said, he finds obstacles more helpful than complete freedom. “I’m better trying to get around something than building something,” he said.
(…) But the songs don’t rock: mostly they hover. Only one song, Randy Newman’s despondent “I Think It’s Going to Rain Today,” resembles the original. Mr. Gabriel’s other cover versions are slow, moody and willful, backed by orchestra and chamber ensembles.“I was trying to make a grown-up record,” said Mr. Gabriel, 60. He was sipping tea and sampling a plate of berries in the lounge of the Mercer Hotel in SoHo. “This is treating people as if they can handle difficult music and words. Not that I’ve courted the lowest common denominator before, but there’s a playfulness and childishness in some of my older work that isn’t present on this record.”
ところで、このアルバムのアレンジャーは元ドゥルッティ・コラムのJohn Metcalfe――” Mr. Gabriel and Mr. Metcalfe shared a taste for Stravinsky, the mystical Minimalist Arvo Pärt and American Minimalists like Steve Reich and Philip Glass, along with the British composers Elgar and Vaughan Williams.”
When he eventually decided to make a full album of covers, Mr. Gabriel ruled out drums and guitars. He went on to renounce the funk, soul and world-music elements that have filled his past albums. He was determined to strip the songs down to the bare melody and lyric.
ところで、インタヴュアのJON PARELES氏はPGの「声」に注目している;
ただ、PGの「声」を聴くのなら、”Sledgehammer”よりも”Here Comes the Flood”だろうとは思う。それは俺が最初にPGの歌凄ぇと思ったのが”Here Comes the Flood”を聴いたときだったということもあるのだが(オリジナルではなく、ロバート・フリップのソロ・アルバムExposureに収録されたヴァージョン)。また、
Mr. Gabriel’s voice is the most recognizable aspect of the new album. It’s the ancient-mariner baritone that lent gravity to the early Genesis, to Mr. Gabriel’s 1970s and ’80s hits like “Solsbury Hill” and “Sledgehammer,” and to “Down to Earth,” the Oscar-nominated song he wrote with Thomas Newman for the soundtrack of “Wall-E” in 2008. But on “Scratch My Back” Mr. Gabriel has placed his voice in a new wilderness.
The performances are slow and somber, dropping to a whisper or building to a breaking ululation. Mr. Gabriel’s voice sounds desperate and exposed, clinging to the melody like a life raft.
- アーティスト: Peter Gabriel
- 出版社/メーカー: Charisma
- 発売日: 2002/05/18
- メディア: CD
- クリック: 2回
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- アーティスト: Robert Fripp
- 出版社/メーカー: E.G. Records
- 発売日: 1990/08/31
- メディア: CD
- クリック: 1回
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