
NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF “Racism Without Racists” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/05/opinion/05kristof.html

バラク・オバマは現在「レイシストなきレイシズム(racism without racists)」に直面しているという。

The racism is difficult to measure, but a careful survey completed last month by Stanford University, with The Associated Press and Yahoo, suggested that Mr. Obama’s support would be about six percentage points higher if he were white. That’s significant but surmountable.
有権者の中に10%ほどいる「根っからのレイシスト(dyed-in-the-wool racists)」が問題なのではない。そういう人たちはそもそもオバマには、いや民主党候補にも投票しないだろう。問題なのは、”well-meaning whites who believe in racial equality and have no objection to electing a black person as president — yet who discriminate unconsciously”なのだという。
心理学者たちは実験を通じて、多くの白人が意識的には人種的平等を信じていながら、例えば就職の面接において、黒人よりも白人を優先的に採用する傾向を明らかにしている。勿論、その人たちは意識的には「人種主義者」ではないので、それは人種によっては正当化されず、「経験」のような人種とは関係ない理由が持ち出される。また、履歴書に書かれている学歴などの資格にはっきりとした差異がある場合にはそのようなことは起こらない。こうした暗黙の差別が生起するのは人種以外の属性の差異(優劣)が曖昧であるときである。これをイェール大学の心理学者John Dovidio氏は”aversive racism”と呼ぶ。選挙戦も人種以外の属性の差異(優劣)が曖昧である状況にあたる。

Still, a huge array of research suggests that 50 percent or more of whites have unconscious biases that sometimes lead to racial discrimination. (Blacks have their own unconscious biases, surprisingly often against blacks as well.)

One set of experiments conducted since the 1970s involves subjects who believe that they are witnessing an emergency (like an epileptic seizure). When there is no other witness, a white bystander will call for help whether the victim is white or black, and there is very little discrimination.

But when there are other bystanders, so the individual responsibility to summon help may feel less obvious, whites will still summon help 75 percent of the time if the victim is white but only 38 percent of the time if the victim is black.

ここで興味深いのは、差別的な振る舞いに他人(”other bystanders”)の存在が影響しているということだろう。これは個人の意識(良心)のレヴェルでは反「レイシズム」的であっても、他人の目*1を気にすることによって、差別的な振る舞いが導かれてしまうということを示唆していないか。

One lesson from this research is that racial biases are deeply embedded within us, more so than many whites believe. But another lesson, a historical one, is that we can overcome unconscious bias. That’s what happened with the decline in prejudice against Catholics after the candidacy of John F. Kennedy in 1960.



DENNIS LIM “Safeguarding a Japanese Master’s Place in Film” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/26/movies/26oshi.html


Born into a family with samurai ancestry and socialist leanings, Mr. Oshima studied law at Kyoto University, where he became active in the left-wing student movement. His youthful ideals extended into his film career, and his interest in cinema as a revolutionary tool — along with his gift for acid polemics and his pop touch with political material — earned him repeated comparisons to another ’60s titan, Jean-Luc Godard. (Tired of being called Japan’s answer to Mr. Godard, Mr. Oshima suggested that Mr. Godard be considered the Oshima of France.)
