

ERIK ECKHOLM “Higher Education Gap May Slow Economic Mobility” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/20/us/20mobility.html


KAREN W. ARENSON “Wealth Gap Growing Bigger Among American Colleges” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/20/education/20educ.html

Council for Aid to Educationによる米国の大学の2007年の資金集め状況に関する報告。

In all, colleges and universities raised about $30 billion, 6 percent more than the previous year. But nearly one-third of that increase — $518 million — went to just 20 institutions.

Those 20 campuses raised a total of almost $7.7 billion — or more than a quarter of all giving to colleges and universities, the council said. The top 20 represent fewer than 1 percent of the nation’s institutions of higher education.

因みに、トップはスタンフォードで$832 million。