
犬神家の一族 通常版 [DVD]

犬神家の一族 通常版 [DVD]

犬神家の一族(1976) 廉価(期間限定) [DVD]

犬神家の一族(1976) 廉価(期間限定) [DVD]

犬神家の一族 金田一耕助ファイル 5 (角川文庫)

犬神家の一族 金田一耕助ファイル 5 (角川文庫)

さて、Joe WrightのAtonementを観る。この映画における語りの視点の構造は一見なかなか複雑だが、最後には実は複雑ではなかったことが示されるのだが、具体的にいうとネタバレになるので、口を噤んでおく。この映画*4に書き込まれた対立――虚構/現実*5、ジェントルマン/労働者階級、妹/姉、田舎/都市(倫敦)、1930年代(平和)/1940年代(戦争)等々。また、その意味については何ともいえないのだが、この映画で反復される〈水〉も重要な役割を担っている。この映画の全体的なテーマは言葉(エクリチュール)が本源的に有する暴力性と癒しの力を巡るものであると言ってしまおう。言葉の暴力によって傷ついた他者を癒すためには言葉(エクリチュール)によるしかない。しかし、その「贖罪」の言葉が当の他者に届くことは不可能であり、従って「贖罪」による和解が達成されることは不可能である。
ところで、ヴァネッサ・レッドグレイヴは Saoirse Ronanがそのまま年老いた感じだった。
Peter Bradshaw氏によるレヴューを示しておく;

Tonight's opening movie at the Venice Film Festival certainly features the most glamorous young talent that the British film industry has to offer. Keira Knightley and James McAvoy star as the tragically sundered wartime lovers in an epic directed by Joe Wright, adapted from the bestselling novel by Ian McEwan. Could it be The English Patient for the noughties?

It's certainly thinking on a grand scale. Wright sweeps his audience on a bold and exhilarating journey from the hot ennui of a 30s English country-house party to the catastrophe of Dunkirk, and shows events, both big and small, both historical and personal, intervening in the lives of two lonely young people.

Their fates are to be shattered, bizarrely, by the over-active imagination of a 13-year-old girl called Briony. Like the bearer of love letters in LP Hartley's The Go-Between she is caught up in an adult romance she cannot understand: the burgeoning affair between her older sister Cecilia (Knightley) and Robbie (McAvoy). She over-interprets and misinterprets everything she sees, and her crush on Robbie, coupled with her would-be writer's need to make things up, all result in a wicked fib. As a child, she is played by Saoirse Ronan; as a young woman the part is taken over Romola Garai, and then finally in old age by Vanessa Redgrave as the celebrated writer, tortured by the need to make amends in her imaginative life.

The sheer contrast between the hot, sleepy, languour of that pre-war English summer and the vast hellishness of conflict is powerfully and confidently imagined. Keira Knightley is perhaps at her best in this first section: brittle, elegant, distant in her white bathing costume and hat, sunbathing on the diving board over a green and mossy pool. Her sexuality is contained, though not very obviously, in that demure manner and outfit.

A very English reticence in these scenes, of important things not being said, or only partially said, combined with emotions being suppressed and denied, result in the calamitous outburst which sets the tragic story in motion. It's a story which is to hinge on one key scene which turns out to be fictional, the invention of Briony herself. It is clever, sophisticated: though perhaps multiplex audiences might find it a little too tricksy. Time will tell. Atonement will certainly provide food for thought and a colossal sugar-rush of romance for Venice festivalgoers tonight.

See also Peter Bradshaw's other review of this film http://arts.guardian.co.uk/print/0,,330689994-117421,00.html




*4:Ian McEwanの原作小説は読んでいないので、比較のしようもない。
