もし、僕らがイギリスにいて、イギリスの総選挙で候補者が「イギリス人でよかった(I'm happy being English!)」とか書いてたら、絶対に爆笑するぞ。アメリカでもそう、「アメリカ人で良かった」とかかかれてたら、ぷぷぷ・・・。
私はといえば、「日本人でよかった」というのを見て、昔の(まだ24時間営業していなかった頃の)7-11のCFとかを思い出すとともに、Camper Van Beethovenの”Good Guys And Bad Guys”も思い出してしまったぞ。Camper Van Beethovenを日本に(多分)初めて紹介したということは、ピーター・バラカンという英国人の功績のひとつなり。
Well there are good guys and there are bad guys
And there are crooks and criminals
There are doctors and there are lawyers
And there are folks like you and me
So let's get high while the radio's on
Just relax and sing a song
Drive your car up on the lawn
Let me play your guitar
Well, this here verse is for the people in Russia
Though it is a long long ways away
They couldn't hear this song in Russia
But couldn't understand the words anyway
So let's get high while the radio's on
Just relax and sing a song
Drive your car up on the lawn
Let me play your guitar
So just be glad you live in America
Just relax and be yourself
Cuz if you didn't live here in America
You'd probably live somewhere else
So let's get high while the radio's on
Just relax and sing a song
Drive your car up on the lawn
Let me play your guitar