調査はICM Research社によって直接面接法で実施され、16歳以上の男女が対象となり、無作為抽出された標本数は1086。調査期間は2005年6月7日から17日まで。
Headline facts and figuresMore than half (52%) of 16-24 year olds describe music as one of the most important things in their life
・ Pop is the most popular musical genre among Britons
・ The average Briton spends 12 hours per week listening to music
・ 22% of Britons listen to music whilst making love
・ 2 out of 3 Britons have attended a live music event in the last two years
・ 1 in 4 Britons has attended a karaoke night within the last two years
・ The average music collection in Britain contains 247 albums
・ Male record collections are, on average, 73% bigger than womens
・ 5% of Britons own more music on MP3 than any other format
・ 15% of Britons aged 16-24 own more music on MP3 than any other format
・ The average Briton spent £89 on music in the last twelve months
・ 1 in 3 Britons owns a copy of Thriller by Michael Jackson
・ 1 in 4 Britons wants to be a pop star
・ 3% of Britons have slept with a pop star
・ 1 in 5 Britons aged 16-24 feel that Eminem is a positive role model for society
・ 27% have purchased articles of clothing they associate with a particular band or musical genre they like
・ 16% of Britons take drugs to enhance their pleasure when listening to music
・ 61% of Britons believe that music should be censored in certain circumstances
・ 2 out of 3 Britons has been an active member of a youth sub-culture at some point in their lives
・ 10% of Britons have been ravers or clubbers
・ 1 in 3 has met a friend or partner through a shared love of a particular artist or form of music
・ The sixties is considered the best post war decade for popular music
・ 1 in 3 Britons has downloaded music from the internet
・ 58% of 16-24 year olds have downloaded music from the internet
・ Only 20% of music downloaded from the internet is paid for
・ Only 1 in 3 Britons believe that illegally downloading music from the internet is morally wrong
・ Those who download music from the internet are four times more likely to subsequently reduce the amount they spend on music rather than increase their spend
・ 23% have downloaded music to use as a ring tone
・ 30% own either an iPod or another brand of MP3 player
・ iPod owners are less likely than the average Briton to worry about the effects of loud music upon their hearing
・ More Britons recognize Boy George, Geri Halliwell and Wham than recognize John Lennon
Which of the following is your favourite type of music?・ Pop = 27%
・ Rock = 19%
・ Dance (i.e. House/Techno/Drum'n'Bass etc) = 11%
・ Soul = 11%
・ Country = 10%
・ Hip Hop/Rap = 9%
・ Classical = 8%
・ Indie/Alternative Rock = 7%
・ Reggae = 5%
・ Jazz = 4%
・ Heavy Metal = 3%
・ World = 2%
・ Folk = 2%
・ Opera = 1%
Are you currently, or have you ever been, an active member of one of the following youth subcultures?・ Raver/Clubber = 10%
・ Mod = 8%
・ Hippy = 4%
・ Rocker (Rockabilly) = 4%
・ Punk = 4%
・ Hip Hop = 4%
・ Teddy Boy = 4%
・ Metaller = 3%
・ Skinhead = 3%
・ Goth = 2%
・ Glam Rocker = 2%
・ Soulboy = 2%
・ Beat = 1%
・ Other = 1%
・ Been a member of any youth subculture = 36%
What, in your opinion, was the best post-war decade for popular music?・ 1940s = 2%
・ 1950s = 8%
・ 1960s = 28%
・ 1970s = 20%
・ 1980s = 20%
・ 1990s = 15%
・ 2000s = 12%
Have you ever made friends or met a partner through a shared loved of a particular form of music?・ Yes = 31%
・ No = 69%
Which of the following cross-section of stars do you recognise?・ Cliff Richard = 64%
・ Boy George = 58%
・ Geri Halliwell/Ginger Spice = 51%
・ Wham/George Michael/Andrew Ridgeley = 46%
・ John Lennon = 44%
・ Sid Vicious = 25%
・ Dido = 23%
・ Pete Doherty = 17%
・ Brian Jones = 15%
・ Edward Elgar = 6%
・ Charlie Parker = 4%
・ Sir Harrison Birtwistle = 2%
ところで、英国の音楽誌Uncutの調査によれば、"MUSIC, FILMS, TV AND BOOKS THAT 'CHANGED THE WORLD'""の上位は、
1. Bob Dylan Like a Rolling Stone
2. Elvis Presley Heartbreak Hotel
3. The Beatles She Loves You
4. The Rolling Stones (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
5. A Clockwork Orange
6. The Godfather and The Godfather II
7. David Bowie The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
8. Taxi Driver
9. Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols
10. The Prisoner
Karen Armstrong
"Land rites"
Long before human beings began to map the earth scientifically, they created a sacred geography. Certain features of the landscape - a rock or river that was particularly arresting - stood out from their surroundings and spoke of something else: people experienced a richer, more potent reality there. Men and women have formulated the perception of sacred space in different ways over the centuries, but certain themes tend to recur, suggesting that they speak to some fundamental human need.People tend to identify deeply with their holy places, because the sacred is not simply a reality "out there" but is also immanent, within the self. Their sacred spaces help them to find their place in the world: Muslims, for example, turn five times a day towards Mecca as a reminder of their true spiritual orientation. Even in our secular, sceptical society we have never managed to desacralise the world entirely. Many of us have special places that we like to visit because they are inextricably bound up with our conception of ourselves.
8月2日早朝、BSでRichard Schicke監督のWoody Allen: A Life In Filmlを観る。数々の作品の引用とともにウッディ・アレンが自身と作品について語るTVドキュメンタリー。彼が〈庶民性〉を強調しているのが可笑しかった。インテリを演じているのは、たんに眼鏡をかけているからで、大學も中退したし、露西亜文学だって詳しくない。特に興味深かったのは、『インテリア』のキャラクター分析。それから、マンハッタンに対する思い入れ。インタヴューが行われたのは、2001年10月、つまりあの9/11の直後だったのだ。
ところで、このドキュメンタリーのそれぞれのセクションはペダンティックで、所謂名著のタイトルが使われていたりする。例えば、Origins of Totalitarianismとか。それで、Varieties of Religious Experienceが「宗教的経験のいろいろ」(記憶不確か)とか字幕で訳されているのを見て、この訳者はそういうところを全然意識していないなと思ってしまった。これはウィリアム・ジェームズの名著で、岩波文庫でのタイトルは『宗教経験の諸相』でしょ。
Hal Erickson氏のレヴュー
Scott Von Doviak氏のレヴュー
Mark A. Rivera氏のレヴュー