
Agence France-Presse “Wild tiger numbers 40% higher than thought, says conservation group” https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/22/wild-tiger-numbers-40-higher-than-thought-says-conservation-group


The list assigns species to one of eight categories of threat. A total of 147,517 were assessed in the latest version, with 41,459 species deemed as being threatened with extinction.

Of those, 9,065 are critically endangered, 16,094 are endangered and 16,300 are deemed vulnerable.

Established in 1964, the list counts 902 species that are now extinct, and 82 which are extinct in the wild.

絶滅危惧種として特に強調されているのは、北米の移動性オオカバマダラ(migratory monarch butterfly[Danaus plexippus plexippus])*3。また、野生の鱘。白鱘(Chinese paddlefish)*4の絶滅と長江鱘(Yangtze sturgeon)*5の野生における絶滅が宣告された*6
See also

IUCN “Migratory monarch butterfly now Endangered - IUCN Red List” https://www.iucn.org/press-release/202207/migratory-monarch-butterfly-now-endangered-iucn-red-list