
オズの魔法使い (字幕版) [DVD] FRT-067

オズの魔法使い (字幕版) [DVD] FRT-067

Catherine Shoard “Judy Garland 'sexually harassed' by munchkin co-stars on Wizard of Oz set” https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/feb/08/judy-garland-allegedly-sexually-harassed-by-munchkins-on-wizard-of-oz-set

1939年の映画『オズの魔法使い』でドロシーを演じたジュディ・ガーランド*1は「小人」を演じた共演者たちから性的な悪戯を受けていた。彼女の元夫で2005年に亡くなったSid Luft*2の回想録Judy and I: My Life With Judy Garlandで暴露されている。

Garland was 17 when she made the film, which is often cited among the most influential movies of all time. She married Luft in 1952; they had two children before divorcing in 1965, four years before her death. Luft died in 2005.

The actors playing the munchkins have long been accused of behaving badly on set. In 1967, Garland said: “They were little drunks. They got smashed every night and the police used to scoop them up in butterfly nets.”

She also claimed she once went on a date with one of the actors. When her mother turned up as chaperone, the man said: “Fair enough, two broads for the price of one.”

Bert Lahr, who played the Cowardly Lion, corroborated the tales, writing: “Many munchkins made their living by panhandling, pimping and whoring. Midgets brandished knives and often had passions for larger personnel.”

According to producer Mervyn LeRoy, after shooting finished, “they had orgies in the hotel and we had to have police on about every floor. To make a picture like The Wizard of Oz, everybody had to be a little drunk with imagination.”