
Eleanor Ainge Roy “Russian millionaire details plans for new Romanov empire on Pacific islands” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/07/russian-millionaire-plans-re-establish-romanov-empire-pacific-islands

さて、露西亜の大富豪Anton Bakov夫妻は長年帝政露西亜ロマノフ朝)再興を夢見ている。現在赤道直下のキリバス共和国*2から3つの無人島を借り受け、「オルタナティヴな露西亜」の領土とする話が進んでいる;

Bakov has now proposed leasing the uninhabited islands of Malden, Starbuck and Millennium to use as a base for his “alternative Russia”, as well as building infrastructure for tourists and businesses.

According to Bakov and the Kiribati government, the three islands are completely uninhabited and undeveloped and Bakov’s offer is the largest investment ever considered by the island nation.

“We were drawn to Kiribati due to the wonderful climate, big and spacious uninhabited islands and small population, which would obviously benefit from our financial assistance” said Bakov by email.

Bakov’s son Mikhail first approached the Kiribati government in late 2015 with his father’s investment plan.

After meeting with the Bakov’s earlier this year the President of Kiribati, Taneti Mamau, set out with a number of government ministers to inspect the three islands in person.

The round-trip was expected to take up to a month and a decision on whether to proceed with the deal would be made on the president’s return near the end of February.

“We are planning to construct air and sea ports, solar power stations, freshwater plants, hospitals, schools and settlements for the employees,” said Bakov.

“The main economic objects of the islands will be eco-friendly hotels and fish processing plants. We would also develop tropical agriculture and Russian Imperial University.”

The development of the islands would take between ten to fifteen years, estimated Bakov, and it was projected up to 1000 I-Kiribati – as residents of the islands are known – largely recruited from Christmas Island some 670km away, would eventually be employed.

The first stage of the project would be an immediate financial injection of US$120m to the Kiribati government, said Bakov, followed by US$230m for the first stage of infrastructure construction on Malden Island, as well as additional taxes and customs for the Kiribati government.

とはいっても、露西亜人の移住は殆ど見込まれていない。北方人にとって赤道直下の気候は過酷である。また、帝政露西亜再興と言いつつ、肝心要のロマノフ家の子孫のことは全く言及されていない。要するに、大規模なリゾート開発? キリバスは交通が不便なこともあり、また最近では地球温暖化によって真っ先に全領土が水没してしまう危険も指摘されていて、グローバルな投資家からは敬遠されている。そんな中で、露西亜の大富豪による巨額の投資というのはキリバス政府にとっても美味しい話、ということになるのだろう。
貴婦人Aの蘇生 (朝日文庫)

貴婦人Aの蘇生 (朝日文庫)