

“Artist plans mock 'Pray for Sweden' event at embassy” http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-39066578


Philip Oltermann “Sweden to reintroduce conscription amid rising Baltic tensions” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/02/sweden-reintroduce-conscription-amid-rising-baltic-tensions


On Thursday, the Social Democrat-Green coalition government voted to adopt measures, recommended in a report last September, which mean that about 100,000 male and female teenagers born between 1999 and 2000 will soon be asked to complete questionnaires for recruitment.

Of the targeted age group, 13,000 will be called to take part in an enrolment process – of which about 4,000 a year will be selected for basic military training in 2018 and 2019.

The defence minister said the move was in response to a deteriorating security environment in Europe. “We are in a context where Russia has annexed Crimea,” Peter Hultqvist, the minister, told AFP. “They are doing more exercises in our immediate vicinity.”

“We saw that our units could not be filled on a voluntary basis. A decision had to be taken to complement the (volunteer) system which is why we are reactivating conscription,” he added.


Numerous European countries phased out conscription after the end of the cold war.

However, in Scandinavia and eastern Europe, Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Moldavia, Norway and Ukraine have retained the draft.

In southern Europe, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey still have military conscription.

In central Europe, only Austria and Switzerland require citizens to do compulsory military service, for a period of 6 months and 262 days respectively.

Germany abolished military conscription in July 2011 but last year considered measures to bring back the draft during a national emergency.

Norway legally extended conscription to both sexes in 2015, and last year about 33% of an intake of 10,000 conscripts were female.
