
Compare to http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20160601/1464753788

American Red Cross “Red Cross Issues Statement on Water Safety Poster” http://www.redcross.org/news/press-release/Red-Cross-Issues-Statement-on-Water-Safety-Poster
“‘Super Racist’ Water Safety Poster Prompts American Red Cross Apology” https://www.yahoo.com/news/super-racist-water-safety-poster-155438909.html
“American Red Cross apologises for 'racist' water safety poster” http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36651171/american-red-cross-apologises-for-racist-water-safety-poster
Justin Carissimo “American Red Cross apologizes for ‘racist’ pool safety poster” http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/american-red-cross-apologizes-for-racist-water-safety-poster-a7106526.html
Carla Herreria “Red Cross Apologizes For ‘Super Racist’ Pool Safety Poster” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/red-cross-racist-pool-poster_us_5771a394e4b0dbb1bbbbb569 *1

米国赤十字社*2が夏に向けて、プールではルールを守って危険な行為はしないようにと子どもたちに注意を喚起するために作成したポスターが「超レイシスト(super racist)」という批判を浴びて、赤十字社は謝罪を行い、そのポスターをサイト及びアプリから削除し、ポスターを掲示している施設には削除を要請すると発表した。ポスターでは、「いい(cool)」な行いをしている子はみな白人として描かれているのに対して、「いけない(not cool)」行いをしているのはみな有色人種として描かれている。
これに関して、水泳選手になろうとする若い黒人を支援しているBlack Kids Swim*3創始者であるEbony Rosemondさんは、黒人がプールやビーチに関して長い間受けてきた差別や黒人居住地区における水泳関連施設の貧弱さを指摘している;

Ebony Rosemond heads a Maryland-based organization called Black Kids Swim, which is dedicated to helping young African Americans to become swimmers. Rosemond told The Washington Post that black children face a legacy of discrimination at public pools and beaches that makes them less likely to take up swimming as a recreational activity or sport.

For decades, she noted, black swimmers were denied swimming lessons or barred from public pools, forcing them to swim in more dangerous locations. Stories about drownings imprinted on a generation of African Americans a fear of the water that has not subsided, she said.

Even now, Rosemond said, it’s often more difficult to find regulation-size pools for swimming and diving in black neighborhoods. Many other communities have turned to splash parks as a cheaper alternative to maintaining pools, which means many children never get a chance to truly swim, she said.
(Peter Holley "‘Super racist’ pool safety poster prompts Red Cross apology" https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/06/27/super-racist-pool-safety-poster-prompts-red-cross-apology/ )
