Ed Vulliamy “Jewish outrage as ship named after SS war criminal arrives in Europe” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/24/pieter-schelte-worlds-biggest-ship-ss-officer
韓国の大宇*1で建造された世界最大の船Pieter Schelte号*2が間もなく和蘭のロッテルダムに入港する。Pieter Schelteという船名はオーナーの父親の名前Pieter Schelte Heeremaに因むもの。しかし、Pieter Schelte Heeremaはナチスの武装親衛隊*3の将校で、戦犯として服役した経験もある。ヨーロッパ中のユダヤ系団体が反発して、オーナー側には(建造プロジェクトの初期の段階から)船名の変更を要求したり、ロッテルダム港湾当局には入港不許可を求めたりといった活動が展開されている。ちょうど今はアウシュヴィッツ解放70周年の記念日も近付いている*4。
The definition of “world’s largest ship” is disputed but the vessel is certainly the largest crane ship. It was built by the Swiss-based group Allseas*5, a pipelayer for the oil and gas industry, and is currently being fitted up for deployment in the North Sea and service to British companies. The ship weighs 403,342 gross tonnes, is more than 120 metres wide (the length of a football pitch) and 382 metres long.Allseas is owned by a Dutchman, Edward Heerema, who is the son of Pieter Schelte Heerema. The ship bearing his father’s name arrived in Rotterdam from the Korean Daewoo shipyards two days before the killing of four Jews at a kosher supermarket in Paris and three weeks before the Auschwitz anniversary.
Allseas refrained from comment, but its communications office sent “general information”, including an interview with Edward Heerema in the Telegraaf newspaper, and a summary of his father’s career. This stated that he “became a member of a national socialist organisation in the early stages of the second world war. From November 1942 to June 1943 he was a director of a company under the SS.”It continues: “Heerema lost his sympathy for the Nazi regime, and defected in June 1943. At the end of the war he was arrested. His trial in 1946 led to conviction for the period of his detention awaiting trial.”
After living in Venezuela, according to his official biography, Pieter Schelte Heerema returned to Holland in 1963, becoming “a civil engineer with great technical creativity, and an entrepreneur … The choice of the [ship’s] name Pieter Schelte is [his son] Edward’s acknowledgement of his father’s great achievements in the oil and gas industry.”
The Telegraaf article – reported from the ship’s “majestic bridge” and headlined “Unparalleled Dutch glory” – said the vessel was “set to revolutionise the offshore world”. Heerema tells the paper that his father “hardly ever talked about that time with his family … He turned his back on the Netherlands in 1947. Which also was a way to break away from the past.”
Cidi*6 cited a petition organised by a British-based website monitoring the affairs of Royal Dutch Shell, the energy group, which trumpeted the ship’s arrival in Rotterdam and which Allseas confirms in a press release to be among its early clients. The site, Royaldutchshellplc.com, is run by John Donovan, a former Shell contractor who is completing a book on the history of the company’s relations with the Third Reich. His petition reads: “Please change the ship’s name so that it no longer sails under the name of a former Waffen-SS officer jailed for war crimes.”
*2:http://www.allseas.com/uk/19/equipment/pieter-schelte.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pieter_Schelte Jonathan O'Callaghan “ World's largest ship so big it can lift an OIL RIG takes to the seas: Empire State-length boat will begin moving structures next year” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2800441/world-s-biggest-ship-big-lift-oil-rig-takes-seas-pieter-schelte-begin-moving-structures-year.html
*3:See eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffen-SS http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%AD%A6%E8%A3%85%E8%A6%AA%E8%A1%9B%E9%9A%8A
*4:See http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20150114/1421245848
*6:Centre for Information and Documentation on Israel. 和蘭ハーグのユダヤ人団体。http://www.cidi.nl/