Charlie Hebdo襲撃事件の犯人たちは12名の人間を殺めただけでなく、ネタとしての映画The Interview*1も葬り去って、過去のものとしてしまったようだけど。それに抗するような仕方で;
Ben Child “Margaret Cho defends 'North Korean general' Golden Globes appearance”
See also
Cho, 46, later added: “I’m not playing the race card. I’m playing the rice card. #hatersgonwait #winnersgonpun,” in response to her critics.The comic’s appearance as “Cho Young-Ja” a North Korean general and supposed member of Globes organising body the Hollywood Foreign Press Association was a running gag during the ceremony. Hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler incited their guest to take a selfie with Meryl Streep – a moment captured by Michael Keaton on his phone and photobombed by Benedict Cumberbatch. She also insisted award presenter Kristen Wiig should make Bridesmaids 2.
On another occasion the general, also a purported contributor to gaudy fictional Korean film magazine Movies, Wow!, complained vociferously at the Globes’ lack of razzmatazz. “You no have thousand baby playing guitar at the same time. You no have people holding up many card to make one big picture,” she said. “You no have Dennis Rodman.”
The riff was part of Fey and Poehler’s merciless sending-up of the recent cyber-attack on Hollywood studio Sony at the hands of hackers working, according to the FBI, for North Korea. A group styling itself Guardians of Peace began leaking private Sony correspondence on 24 November, apparently in response to the studio’s proposed release of the Kim Jong-un baiting comedy The Interview.
The hosts opened the show by labelling assembled luminaries “despicable, spoiled, minimally talented brats”, a reference to Hollywood producer Scott Rudin’s embarrassingly leaked comments about Angelina Jolie in an email to studio co-chairman Amy Pascal. “Tonight we celebrate all of the great television shows that we know and love as well as all the movies that North Korea was OK with,” added Fey later, with Poehler contributing: “The biggest story in Hollywood this year was when North Korea threatened an attack if Sony Pictures released The Interview, forcing us all to pretend we wanted to see it.”
Josh Gardner “Margaret Cho accused of promoting racist stereotype as she lampoons Sony hack with North Korean general sketch at the Golden Globes”
Josh Gardner “'I’m not playing the race card, I’m playing the rice card': Margaret Cho hits back at allegations her North Korea-mocking Golden Globes bit was racist”
Ann Oldenburg “Golden Globes: Comedian Margaret Cho accused of racism over North Korea general skit”
Alison Willmore “Margaret Cho Has No Regrets About That Golden Globes Running Gag”
例えば、“You no have Dennis Rodman.”というブロークンな表現が「レイシズム」であると謗られるのだろうけど、英語という言語制度に対するテロ行為という感じで、なかなか面白い。そろそろ入試のシーズンだけど、受験生の間でこの言い回しが流行ればいいのにね。
*1:See also
*2: See eg.