
Alison Flood “UK publishes more books per capita than any other country, report shows” http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/oct/22/uk-publishes-more-books-per-capita-million-report


According to a new report from the International Publishers Association (IPA)*1, UK publishers released 184,000 new and revised titles in 2013. This equates to 2,875 titles per million inhabitants, and places the UK an astonishing 1,000-plus titles ahead of second-placed Taiwan and Slovenia (1,831). Australia is considerably lower, at 1,176, while the US published just 959 titles per million inhabitants.

The data was compiled from a mix of figures provided by national publishers’ associations, national libraries and national ISBN agencies, and excludes self-published titles, said the IPA. The organisation considered 40 countries for its report – those for which it could obtain “a reasonably reliable value for either the total book market or for publishers’ net revenues”. The UK figure is drawn from sales monitor Nielsen Book, which recorded the total number of new and revised titles published in the UK as about 184,000 in 2013, of which 60,000 were digital.

In absolute terms, the UK is the third leading publisher in the world and the highest in Europe, according to the IPA, with its 184,000 titles coming in behind China’s 444,000 – which equates to 325 per million inhabitants – and the US’s 304,912. (In tiny Iceland, which was not included, around 1,000 new titles are published each year in a language spoken by only 320,000 people.) The UK’s Publishers Association*2 pointed out that the report reveals the UK “also enjoys the world’s best global export performance, with export revenues in 2013 exceeding €1.5bn, compared with €1bn for the US and €331m for Spain”.
2013年に最も多種の(ISBNがついた)書籍を刊行した国は中国で、 444,000タイトル。2位は米国(304,912タイトル)、3位は英国(184,000タイトル)。人口100万人当たりの出版点数では、1位が英国(2,875)、2位が台湾とスロヴェニア(1,831)の順。