

nessko*1 2013/10/13 22:59

“What does the Bible actually say about being gay?” http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/3205727.stm

『サムエル書』でダヴィデがヨナタンに言った”I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; dear and delightful you were to me; your love for me was wonderful, surpassing the love of women.”について;

A pro-gay position might be that this is a clear indication that King David had a gay relationship, and to pretend otherwise is naive.

An anti-gay opinion might be that the friendship between the two men was exactly that - a very close and loyal allegiance.


Similarly, the tale of Sodom is often debated. In it, Lot has two angels staying in his house. The men of Sodom surrounded the house. "They called to Lot and asked him where the men were who had entered his house that night. 'Bring them out,' they shouted, 'so that we might have intercourse with them.'"

To protect his visitors from an act which Lot describes as "wicked", he offers the crowd his two virgin daughters instead. The crowd are not satisfied and break the door down - the angels then make the intruders blind and Sodom is eventually destroyed by "fire and brimstone".


An anti-gay argument might say this story demonstrates the immorality of homosexuality, as has been accepted for generations, hence the term sodomy. Elsewhere in Genesis, God says of the men: "Their sin is very grave." It's an example of behaviour degenerating.

Of course the men's behaviour was wicked, but it was wicked because it's a tale of sexual assault and rape. When Jesus mentions Sodom, hundreds of years later, it appears to be in a context of a discussion of hospitality, rather than one of sexual morality.

旧約聖書 創世記 (岩波文庫)

旧約聖書 創世記 (岩波文庫)

また『レヴィ記』の”You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination.”について;

An anti-gay position would be that this line is unambiguous. It is also repeated elsewhere in the book. The speaker of the words is God, so this is an explicit indication that homosexuality is wrong in God's eyes. It was one of the sins that justified God in giving the land of Canaan to the Israelites

A pro-gay argument might say that other verses in the same book forbid a wide range of sexual activities, including having sex with a woman who is having her period. This is an indication that the passage embodies specific cultural values rather than God's law.

では新約聖書ではどうかということだけど、イエス自身は(肯定的にせよ否定的にせよ)「同性愛」について(少なくとも)明示的には語ってはいない。問題になっているのは、例えば『マルコ福音書』の”[A] man shall leave his father and mother, and be made one with his wife; and the two shall become one flesh.”;

This indicates Jesus saw heterosexual relations as the proper way of behaving.

Jesus is actually talking about the sanctity of heterosexual marriage.


That is something which not everyone can accept, but only those for whom God has appointed it. For while some are incapable of marriage because they were born so, or made so by men, there are others who have themselves renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of Heaven. Let those accept it who can.

This shows that Jesus is more concerned with people looking after their own relationship with God, than with enforcement of rules. The reference to being "born so" indicates that heterosexual marriage is fine for those who are heterosexual, but it's OK to be different. Again and again Jesus reaches out to those on the margins of society, like prostitutes and tax collectors, to include them.

Jesus here is actually talking about people who were born incapable of having children, or people who were castrated - not about gays. He is actually saying that marriage and chastity are both within God's purpose. Jesus does appeal to the sinners, but once he has called them, he tells them to go and sin no more.


God has given [people who worship false gods] up to shameful passions. Their women have exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and their men in turn, giving up natural relations with women burn with lust for one another; males behave indecently with males and paid in their own persons the fitting wage of such perversion.(『羅馬書』)

Make no mistake: no fornicator or idolator, none who are guilty either of adultery or of homosexual perversion, no thieves or grabbers of drunkards of slanderers or swindlers, will possess the kingdom of God. (『コリント書』)

A pro-gay position might be that the word Paul uses for homosexual here could alternatively be translated as "male prostitute". In any case, Paul's writings are clearly of his time, and there are plenty of other verses which people have no difficulty in ignoring - for instance: "a woman brings shame on her head if she prays or prophesies bare-headed; it is as bad as if her head were shaved." This should be viewed like that.

Anti-gay argument might say this line is crystal clear in establishing that Christianity and homosexuality are incompatible. Paul is actually quite clearly referring to homosexual behaviour, and includes lesbianism. You can't just pretend that St Paul, who did so much to influence our understanding of Jesus, didn't know what he was talking about. He's clear that homosexuality is an offence against God and against people's own bodies.

さて、早くから同性愛者の聖職者叙任を認めてきた米国合同キリスト教会(The United Church of Christ, USA=UCC[USA])」*4は、その根拠を、同じ『羅馬書』の、


インターネットの中の神々―21世紀の宗教空間 (平凡社新書)

インターネットの中の神々―21世紀の宗教空間 (平凡社新書)


*2:Reuters “Gay rights protest in St Petersburg ends in clashes “ http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/12/gay-rights-protest-st-petersburg-arrests


*4:http://www.ucc.org/ UCCは既に2005年に同性婚姻を承認している(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/HODGE/20050705/p1 )。因みに、バラク・オバマはその信者。なので、オバマが「2008年の大統領選挙においては同性婚姻に対しては反対の立場を示していた」ものの(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110224/1298560444 )、同性婚姻に賛成していることは宗教的には当然のこと、ということになる。