Angelique Chrisafis “Mont Blanc climber finds £205,000 worth of Indian jewels on glacier”
仏蘭西の白山頂上にアプローチしていた登山家が”Made in India”と記された小袋に入った宝石を発見された。白山には1950年と1966年に印度航空(Air India) *1の飛行機が衝突している。宝石は何れかの飛行機に積まれていたものと見られている。
Last year, two climbers on the glacier discovered a well-preserved bag of Indian diplomatic mail neatly marked "Ministry of External Affairs" that had been on the Boeing 707 flight from Mumbai to New York that crashed near the summit of Mont Blanc on a January morning in 1966*2 .That crash killed all 11 crew and 106 passengers, including the pioneer of India's nuclear programme, Homi Jehangir Bhaba. The plane hit the mountain just below the summit after its experienced pilot had radioed confirming everything was okay, and was expected to land at Geneva airport in Switzerland to refuel.
The cause of the crash was never fully established. The mail bag, found 46 years later by a mountain rescue worker and a fellow climber in 2012, was handed back to the Indian government.
In 1950, another Air India flight, a four-motor propeller plane, crashed near the same spot killing 48 passengers and crew as it was expected to land at Geneva.
Reuters “Former Auschwitz guard on accessory to murder charge”
独逸Stuttgartの検察当局は、5月に逮捕されたアウシュヴィッツの元看守Hans Lipschis*5を「殺人共犯(an accessory to murder)」の罪で起訴した。最近のナチス摘発の再活発化には、高齢化した(特に下っ端の)ナチス協力者に、死ぬ前に裁きを与えようという意図があるという。
*2:Fanny CHAYS et Baptiste OLLIER “Le glacier des Bossons ou la caverne d’Ali Baba” “1966: 117 die in Air India tragedy”
*4:Alfred PERRIER “Rubis, saphirs et émeraudes sortis du glacier des Bossons !“
*5:See “German poster campaign launched to find surviving Nazis”