Sex manual for Ultra-Orthodox Jews

Daniel Estrin “The sex manual for ultra-Orthodox Jews” *1

紐育生まれのDavid Ribnerはユダヤ教のラビの資格を持ちながら、イェルサレムでセックス・セラピストとして活動している。彼は昨年「超正統派ユダヤ教徒」のためのセックス・マニュアル(The Newlywed's Guide to Physical Intimacy)を刊行した。英語版に続いてヘブライ語版も近刊の予定だという。

Ultra-Orthodox boys and girls are educated separately, and have little interaction with the opposite sex until their marriage night, when they are expected to consummate their union.

Physical touch with the opposite sex - even something like a handshake - is only permitted with one's spouse and close family members. Access to films and the internet is often restricted.

"We wanted there to be a place where people could say, 'I know nothing and I want to know something,'" says Ribner.

In Israel's Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox community, there are manuals written for brides and grooms to be, to help guide them on the subject of intimacy in married life, but they employ allegorical, vague terminology and no explicit how-to instructions on matters of sexual intercourse. So Ribner's book enters uncharted territory.

Flip through it though, and you see no illustrations.

Instead there is a sealed envelope on the back flap, with a warning to readers that it contains sexual diagrams. If you don't want to look at them, you can rip off the envelope and throw it away.

Ribner opens it up to show me what's inside.

There are three diagrams of basic sexual positions.

Sex is a fundamental part of a marital relationship for Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews - and having a lot of children is desirable.

But most ultra-Orthodox children are educated at special religious schools, where they receive little or no sex education.

This "silence" creates a "barrier of shame" over issues to do with sex, says Carmi*2 - and those who seek to educate themselves on the subject can be seen as "subversive and rebellious".

超正統派ユダヤ教(Ultra-Orthodox Judaism)はHaredi Judaismとも呼ばれる;

“Haredi Judaism”(Wikipedia)
Lisa Katz “Ultra-Orthodox Judaism”

ところで、『旧約聖書*3におけるセクシュアリティ観については、例えば関根清三『倫理の探索』第4章「「姦淫するなかれ」と現代 聖書の性の捉え方」とか。

倫理の探索―聖書からのアプローチ (中公新書)

倫理の探索―聖書からのアプローチ (中公新書)

*1:See also Daniel Estrin “A New Sex Manual Gives Ultra-Orthodox Jews the Facts of Life” Jill Reilly “ The sex manual especially written for ultra-Orthodox Jews (complete with sealed envelope containing intimate diagrams)”

*2:Nachshon David Carmi、イェルサレム在住のセクソロジスト。
