Listening to Suzanne Vega

Vol. 3-Close Up States of Being

Vol. 3-Close Up States of Being

スザンヌ・ヴェガ*1Close-Up Vol 3, States of Beingを聴く。これはLove SongsPeople & Placesに続くClose-Upシリーズの第三作目。そもそもこのプロジェクトは全4巻として構想されたものであり*2States of Beingに続いてSongs of Familyも近々リリースされるようだ。
States of Beingは境遇とでも訳せるのだろうけど、スザンヌ・ヴェガはライナー・ノーツで

This is Volume 3 of the Close-Up series, called States of Being. I used to call these the “Mental Health” songs. They express a state of mind, but also more than that. I wouldn’t call them personal songs, but descriptions of a place deep inside. Anyone can feel like the narrator in Penitent, or Cracking, depending on your mood.

And something is cracking
I don't know where
Ice on the sidewalk
Brittle branches
In the air

The sun
Is blinding
Dizzy golden, dancing green
Through the park in the afternoon
Wondering where the hell
I have been

が身震いするほど素晴らしいということはいうまでもない。ところで、People & Places、特に”Tom's Diner”でも感じたのだけれど、Michael Viscegliaのベースはかっこいい。このアルバムの中で彼のベースが特に目立っているのは、元々99.9F°に収録されていた”Blood Makes Noise”。Michael Viscegliaが曲を牽引して、それに連られて、エレクトリック・ギターのGerry Leonardまで暴走し出すのだった。スザンヌ・ヴェガのほかにどんな人と仕事をしているのか。知りたいし、また聴きたい。歌詞が面白かったのは、やはり99.9F°からの”Last Year's Troubles”;

Last year's troubles are so old fashioned
The robber on the highway the pirates on the sea
Maybe it's the clothing that's so entertaining
The earrings and the swashbuckling blouses that please

Here we have heroes of times that have passed now
But nobody these days has that kind of chin
Over there the petticoats of ladies of virtue
You can hardly tell them from the petticoats of sin

Last year's troubles

Look at all waifs of Dickensian England
Why is it their suffering is more picturesque?
Must be cause their rags are so Victorian
The ones here at home just don't give it their best

Lat years troubles they shine up so prettily
They gleam with a luster they don't have today
Here it's just dirty and violent and troubling

Last year's troubles

But trouble is trouble and evil still evil
Sometimes we wonder; is there more now, or less?
If we had a tool or could tally the handfuls
Measure for measure it's the same would be my guess

Last year's troubles

Vol. 1-Close-Up: Love Songs

Vol. 1-Close-Up: Love Songs

Vol. 2-Close Up: People & Places

Vol. 2-Close Up: People & Places

Suzanne Vega

Suzanne Vega

99.9 F

99.9 F

ところで、このアルバムで新曲は最後の”Instant of the Hour After”。これはスザンヌ・ヴェガがカーソン・マッカラーズの短篇小説をベースにDuncan Sheikと共同で脚本を書いた芝居Carson McCullers Talks About Loveからのもの。この芝居を巡る彼女へのインタヴューとして、

ALAN LIGHT “Talking About Her Love of McCullers”