
Scott Horton ”The paranoid style in American politics”Harper's August 2007 http://www.harpers.org/archive/2007/08/hbc-90000908

Richard Hofstadter ”The paranoid style in American politics”*1の解説。Hofstadterのこのテクストは”one of the most important and most influential articles published in the 155 year history of the magazine”であるという。また、このテクストが書かれた時代背景について;

In the October 1964, America was moving towards an historic election contest: Lyndon Johnson was seeking election in his own right, and the Republican Party had nominated Barry Goldwater. One of the major issues in the election was the rightward drift of the G.O.P. Against this backdrop, Richard J. Hofstadter published “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” (PDF*2 ).
Hofstadterも「パラノイアなスタイル」は米国特有の現象ではないと述べていたが、Hofstadterテーゼの米国以外の事例への適用可能性について。蘇聯崩壊後の露西亜におけるウラディミール・ジリノフスキー。また、言及されているFritz Stern*3の著書は19世紀独逸におけるナショナリズム反自由主義思想についてのもの;

I first read Hofstadter in my college years in the seventies. Traveling and working abroad I had occasion to think about his theories. In Russia in the early nineties, for instance, I found that the rise of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and his efforts to craft a political movement followed a pattern close to the one that Hofstadter described. It was successful, but only within bounds.

And then we have the one really commanding example–the country in which the “paranoid style” perhaps went the furthest and had the greatest impact. That would be Germany in the period from roughly 1880 to the end of World War II. Hofstadter’s Columbia colleague, and my friend, Fritz Stern, wrote what may be a definitive application of the Hofstadter thesis in The Politics of Cultural Despair: A Study in the Rise of the Germanic Ideology, which was actually published three years before the Hofstadter article.



“Know Nothing” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Know_Nothing
“Knownothingism” http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08677a.htm