Michael Zehaf-Bibeau

カナダのオタワ銃撃事件の犯人として同定されたMichael Zehaf-Bibeauのライフ・ヒストリーが報道されている。彼の実存的状況は、日本のあのAKB北大生*1 と共通するところもあれば、勿論違うところもある。まあ例の北大生のライフ・ヒストリーはこのMichael Zehaf-Bibeauの人生ほど明らかにされていないということもあるのだが。

Josh Wingrove, Steven Chase, Bill Curry AND Jill Mahoney “Attack on Ottawa: PM Harper cites terrorist motive” http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/parliament-shooting/article21217602/


Sources told The Globe and Mail that he was recently designated a “high-risk traveller” by the Canadian government and was unable to secure the appropriate travel documentation, thus blocking his attempt to travel abroad. The circumstances are similar to that surrounding the case of Martin Rouleau-Couture, the Quebecker who was shot Monday after running down two Canadian Forces soldiers with his car.

Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau was born in 1982 and was the son of Bulgasem Zehaf, a Quebec businessman who appears to have fought in 2011 in Libya, and Susan Bibeau, the deputy chairperson of a division of Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Board.

Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau has a record in Quebec in the early 2000s for petty crimes such as possession of drugs, credit-card forgery and robbery. He was also charged with robbery in 2011 in Vancouver.

Colin Freeze and Les Perreaux “Suspected killer in Ottawa shootings had a disturbing side” http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/suspected-killer-in-ottawa-shootings-had-a-disturbing-side/article21252419/

Dave Bathurstという「友人」の証言が詳しい。

Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau grew up in Eastern Canada, including Ottawa and Montreal, and had spent time in Libya before moving to Western Canada to become a miner and labourer, according to friend Dave Bathurst.

Mr. Bathurst said he met Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau in a Burnaby, B.C., mosque about three years ago. He said his friend did not at first appear to have extremist views or inclinations toward violence – but at times exhibited a disturbing side.

“We were having a conversation in a kitchen, and I don’t know how he worded it: He said the devil is after him,” Mr. Bathurst said in an interview. He said his friend frequently talked about the presence of Shaytan in the world – an Arabic term for devils and demons. “I think he must have been mentally ill.”

Mr. Bathurst last saw Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau praying in a Vancouver-area mosque six weeks ago. He spoke of wanting to go to the Middle East soon.

“He wanted to go back to Libya and study,” Mr. Bathurst said. He urged his friend to make sure study was on his mind and “not something else.”

Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau insisted he was only going abroad with the intent of learning about Islam and to study Arabic.

Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau was blocked from fulfilling those plans. Sources say he intended to travel abroad, but he had not been able to secure a valid travel document from federal officials, who have been taking measures to prevent Canadians from joining extremists overseas.

His father’s history offers a hint of what Mr. Bathurst was concerned about. In 2011, a Montrealer named “Belgasem Zahef” was quoted in a Washington Times dispatch from the front in Libya, where he had travelled to join the rebel fight. The man described being detained at the Zawiyah oil terminal, where he witnessed torture.

At the Burnaby mosque, Mr. Bathurst said his friend’s “erratic” behaviour – he did not elaborate – caused frictions with the elders at the house of worship, who asked him to stop attending prayers. At that time, Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau was living in a barely furnished single-room apartment.

Mr. Bathurst said he recalls his friend being arrested at the mosque a few years ago after bizarrely calling police to tell them about a crime he had committed many years before.

The Huffington Post Canada “Michael Zehaf-Bibeau Named As Ottawa Shooter” http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/10/22/michael-zehaf-bibeau-ottawa-shooting_n_6030546.html

The Twitter account "Military Studies" tweeted the photo early Wednesday and said it was initially posted on social media by terrorist group ISIS*2.

But police sources told La Presse said that Zehaf-Bibeau was a "lone wolf" and had no affiliation with Islamic terror groups*3.

Author Denis Lessard wrote in French that the suspect was mentally unstable, but that his name does not appear on a list of people that police are monitoring for terrorist ties.


Lydia Warren, James Nye and Chris Spargo “Muslim convert who shot dead Canadian soldier is the privately-educated son of country’s immigration chief and has links to Syrian terrorist claims friend from mosque” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2804099/Pictured-Recent-Muslim-convert-Michael-Zehaf-Bibeau-shot-dead-solider-opened-fire-Canadian-Parliament.html

Bathurst also brought up that Zehaf-Bibeau knew Hasibullah Yusufzai, a British Columbia man, charged under an anti-terrorism law for allegedly leaving Canada to join Islamist fighters in Syria.
これだと、「シリアのイスラーム主義戦士たち」(ISIS?)と間接的には関係があるという印象を受けるが、元ネタであるGlobe and Mailの記事を読むと、印象はちょっと違ってくる;

But while Mr. Couture-Rouleau is not known to be connected to any other terrorism suspects, Mr. Bathurst said his friend knew Hasibullah Yusufzai, a Vancouver-area resident who was charged in July by the RCMP with travelling to Syria with the intent of joining a deadly terrorist group.

Authorities have issued an international warrant for Mr. Yusufzai, but he remains at large.

Mr. Bathurst said he believes the two cases are distinct. “I don’t think they were linked,” he said, explaining how the Canadian Security Intelligence Service had called him to ask about Mr. Yusufzai but not Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau.

See also

Julian Borger and Jessica Glenza “Ottawa thrown into turmoil after shooting claims soldier's life” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/22/canadian-parliament-hill-lockdown-shootout
Lauren Gambino “Canada will not be intimidated by Ottawa shooting, declares prime minister” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/23/ottawa-shooting-will-not-intimidate-canadaprime-minister-declares
David Bruser and Allan Woods “Alleged gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had long list of run-ins with the law” http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/10/23/alleged_gunman_michael_zehafbibeau_had_long_list_of_runins_with_the_law.html